"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, May 28, 2018

Change in the Weather

Did you feel it? Once again there was a feeling of a spiritual downturn. In the past few days and weeks the events all over the world seem to be influenced in a sinister way.

It's a change, and it isn't positive.

Perhaps it was the situation in Israel with the new embassy and expected Hamas reaction. Maybe it was the tightening noose on the Democrats. Could it be the Beyonce mass that was held?

The weather? The volcano in Hawaii? The multiple earthquakes?

The school shootings by demonically driven murderers?

The abortion now allowed in Ireland?

I saw a video on Facebook about the rise in witchcraft all over the world. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Nothing is more abominable to God.

It could be the spiritual attack and battle waging in my own little corner of the globe. Recently members of my family have experienced severe health issues, problems with sin, broken hearts.

Some days you want to get up and cry "Abba! Father! Save us! Maranatha!"

I've been pushing my own health with extra work teaching, track season for Cheri, no time for exercise and an occasional shift at the deli. Thank the LORD that someone new joined the team at the deli! God provided!

Now the evening and weekend shifts won't fall to just two people. Relief!

I wonder how long the little deli will be in business. There's a rumble of change going on, and none of us are certain of its future. The summer months should be interesting.

Ed's surgery looms on the horizon. We are getting prepared: hotel reservations, medical devices, general packing. What a summer.

He truly looks forward to the surgery, so significant is his pain.

Today Cheri and my husband canoed a river nearby. Storms came, so they didn't make their goal of 23 miles. I'm thankful they are safe

The world turned summer overnight. We broke a record for a hot Memorial Day. I can't count the Memorial Days we've had that were cold and rainy. Not today! We did have rain, but it was a thunderstorm. Lightening and hail made the canoe trip shorter.

We're weary. School is almost over for the year. Our minds and bodies are looking forward to peace and rest.

What's on the horizon for us? I am thankful for God's help, his plan, his assurance. What would we do without him?

Darker days may be hard, but his presence goes with us.

Keep going. Keep going!

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