"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, July 9, 2018

The Most Benevolent Society

People wish for all the advantages of the Judeo-Christian based society, but not the consequences.

Atheists wish for all the benefits of a godless society, but they naively expect also the benefits of a society that obeys a moral deity.

Plainly spoken, anarchy belongs to the atheists. Whose rules are more powerful? One does what one wills.

With the belief in the Creator God of the Bible the paradigm shifts. We have a Being who makes the rules, and we must obey them whether we like them or not.

Anything else is a form of idolatry, picking and choosing the things that please us.

This is one of the main problems I have with the current Pope. I am not Catholic, but I understand that the Pope is "vicarious Christ" and his word is as good as law.

This pope has made statements that completely disagree with the Bible, let alone past Catholic doctrine. He is truly a law unto himself.

I prefer to honor and obey the Biblical God----whether I like him or not.

Think about that.

He is the same yesterday, today, forever. He hasn't changed one iota. He's all-powerful and all-knowing. He's omni-present.

He defines Himself in the Holy Bible, and we MUST either accept Him as He defines Himself or make Him up to be how we like him. In other words we like to make Him in our own image.

I needed to repent from doing this. I still think I can think of better attributes for God sometimes. I want Him to save everyone. I want Him to show Himself more forthrightly. I want there to be peace on earth. Force it, Lord! I want there to be no poverty, no sickness, no death.

But I'm not God, and God has His own designs for this existence. I'm given the opportunity to CHOOSE HIM, or the other option; not Him.

There are only two options. God or not.

Not has many faces. It looks pretty innocuous most of the time. Not has become dozens of different religions and cults. Not pretty much makes up most of the world.

Not ends up in hell.

Everyone dies, but eternal death is for those who do not choose Jesus Christ.

God doesn't change. We do. We always make our gods okay with us. God is not okay with us. He loves us, but we need a savior to establish a relationship with God.

Choose life today. Choose the Creator of the Universe. Choose YHWH, the God who gave you His Word.

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