"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, August 3, 2018

Sense of War

The climate is oppressive these days. Politics are polarizing. Generations see things differently.

Iran, Russia, China,----

Trump, Socialists---

#walkaway, #antifa, #truthers, #metoo

Conspiracies, evil, Hollywood, Illuminati

Revisionist history

human trafficking, slavery, oppression, famine,

Earthquakes, volcanoes, climate change, forest fires, drought, floods---

Death, wildlife, disease,

Vaccinations, GMOs, Monsanto, Artificial Intelligence, Cloning, Bioethics

Aliens, UFOs, demons, powers

Witchcraft, deceptions, apostasy, delusions, occult

Economic chaos, Bitcoin, Ruling Factions, greed, power

Technology, microchips, Nephilim

Pornography, sensuality, gender dysphoria, homosexuality

divorce, adultery, faithlessness

We are at war with this world, fellow Believers. It could be discouraging when we see these issues 24/7 screaming at us from our phones and TVs.

It COULD be discouraging but we know that God has His plan, and it's been laid out in Scripture for us to comfort ourselves with. The master plan plays out, and we can know that God is truly in control, though Satan (for an unknown reason?) is fighting hard to inflict as much evil as he can in the meantime.

What does that mean to you?

God is true. God is love. God is working things out for HIS GLORY.

Follow the trails of philosophy and you will be forced to see God as He is, fully incomprehensible, yet seeking to reveal Himself to us through His Word.

Get to that place. Submit your proud heart to the Maker of the Universe. Stop making Him into your own image, and learn who He is from the gift He gave you----The Bible.

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself and His power to your spirit, to make you born again, spiritually alive.
 Time is short.

I think these are the issues that force me to believe time is short----

Time is racing by---
Blood moons
Natural disasters
Rampant evil

2,000 years of the church era coming to a close, the age of the fish (Pisces) ends and the astronomical  age of Aquarius is beginning. The church (icthus) is coming to a close.

The breakdown of the human genome, mutations
The New World Order is on the rise in the form of globalism
The New Age, (more appropriately Ancient Wisdom or spiritualist religion) has infiltrated Christianity
Ignorance, and its opposite: Knowledge abounding!
People are knowledgeable but not wise

Idolatry like never before

I think back to a conversation I had once with someone. I was accused of a narrow-minded belief in God. The person said that I must have no friends because my view of God was so limited.

 Limited by Scripture, yes.

I would certainly rather have the one true God as my friend and Father than any friendship on earth, but God has given me dozens of true friends, hundreds of acquaintances, and the best of all, several dear, dear friends. We need each other to stand against idolatry.

And God provides.

Be my true friend! Don't be angry about the God of Scripture! Accept Him for who He is, as He describes Himself. Believe, and you will find Him wholly true, wholly love.

Don't allow Satan to sway you into a worldly concept of "God."

Read your Bible today. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with Christ's love and truth.

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