"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, June 6, 2019

A Prayer For Today

Heavenly Father,

I thank you for Who you are, and all you do. I thank you for the many blessings you have sent us, sent me. I look around and see the sun and the green grass, the blue sky, and even on cloudy days you provide.

You have provided heat in the cold.

You have provided clothes and food.

You have provided shelter and means to live here, in the blessed USA.

You are great and wonderful, and I praise your Name.

I commit my thoughts and anxieties to you, Dear Lord. I think of my children and all the challenges they face, even today.

Life and death, sickness, despair, hard things, hard decisions, safety---harm, growth, sadness, illness, futures, love, plans.

Each one, Lord, each one faces these things, some especially today. Work in their hearts and lives, Lord. Please help them to look to you in all things.

Provide for them. Help them. Be close to them. Show them your paths of righteousness, for your name's sake. Lead them.

Help me to give them to you daily, to trust you for them.

Thank you for your help, in my job, in my home, in my plans and prayers.

Lord, bless our country, our president, our government. Help these people follow your ways, and stop any sin.

Help them to find you, and repent.

Help my family and friends who don't know you, who are confused about you, to find you and love you with their whole hearts. Help them to repent of sin in their lives and turn toward you. Save their souls, LORD. Snatch them from the fire. Clear up their false notions about you, who they think you are. Help them to overcome.

Come soon, Jesus, Lord. Maranatha. We wait for that glad reunion in the sky. Come soon, quickly.

Help us prepare even today for that moment.

Bless our parents, who are getting feeble in body. Help them to get through this day.

Help us to honor them, to love them as you do.

Help us at our work places. Help us to do everything as unto You, Lord. Give us the strength to do our jobs well and to be light in this darkening world. We look to you for your help.

Forgive me, Lord, my failures----as a wife, daughter, mother, sister, and friend. Forgive me my sin, Lord. Help me to do better to glorify You.

IT's all about you, Lord. Help me to live that out.

Help me follow you every moment. Hear my prayer, Father. Protect my heart, and help me through this day.

Amen. Amen. 

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