"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Examples From an Ancient Text, Applicable to Today


Let's look at Matthew 21. There is a really interesting story that Jesus presents.

A father asks his two sons to do something. One says no, then does it. One says yes, then doesn't do it.

Jesus says that the one who actually did what the Father asks (but said he wouldn't) did the Father's will.

I see a likening to our current political situation here in the United States.

Everyone I know is a critic of President Donald Trump: his personal life, his past, his brashness, his manner.

I too am not a fan.

But I am a fan of his accomplishments as president. I think he has demonstrated that he is pro-life. He has attempted to uncover and dismantle the leftist deep state (which has been proven to exist). He has attempted peace in the Middle East, and has called out those who have encouraged perpetual war there. He has a way with the British monarchy, and his wife is certainly a class act THESE days.

He's tried to fix the North Korea problem, the Russia problem, the economy, the military, the immigration problem, and who knows WHAT ELSE?

He's been an incredible friend to those who are pro-life, pro-Israel, and pro-faith.

I see him as the first son: the one who has the veneer of rebellion but actually does WHAT IS RIGHT.

Do I approve sexual immorality? No, in every case I do not approve it. King David himself MUST be criticized for his immoral acts. Am I a "better sinner" than Donald Trump or King David?

No. Never. All sin separates from God.

I find it laughable that the baby-killing, social justice warriors of the Left think they have the moral high ground. We are all sinners in the hands of a just God.

They actually think that God doesn't care about the life in the wombs of promiscuous women.

God is the creator of life. All life. There would not be life without God. Ask Richard Dawkins, profound atheist: he says that life was "seeded" here on earth, but refuses to say it was God who "seeded" it. It had to be aliens, something physically (laws of science) impossible.

God cares about life. He weeps over the rebellion in his creation. His justice will reign, but he is patient, wanting everyone to come to REPENTANCE.

Too many "Social Gospel" folk like to leave that hard word out. They find it loathsome. I had a conversation once with one of them who said you have to just BELIEVE.

I go to Michaels, and Jo-Ann Fabrics, wander through the clearance aisle and see the little doo-dads that say "believe" on them.

It's rather empty to just "believe."

Yes, there is the verse in Scripture that says: "Believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and Thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31

To call Him LORD is to repent and follow Him. One must weigh all Scripture by all Scripture. One must never pick and choose the phrase to suit one's own worldview.

We must have God's worldview to be truly saved. We may not fully comprehend God's worldview, but we can certainly learn of Him. God knows our hearts and it is GOD'S doing to open the gates of understanding. You must be touched by and filled with the Spirit to even start to understand God's Word.

Enter by the narrow gate. Enter by the Strait gate. The way is narrow. There are many injunctions that warn about the closeness of the way to salvation. We must weigh these with the general invitations to become believers.

Believing costs. First and foremost it cost Jesus' precious blood on the cross. Those that follow Him must expect persecution and torment.

This world is, after all, in the power of the evil one.

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. All. Everyone is born into sin, a sinful nature. We all sin. We all must be saved through Jesus Christ.

He said so.

Ask for forgiveness for your sin. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with power and understanding. Repent from your sin. Humble yourself before the Most High.

Your pride, your own version of God, will be the hardest thing for you to overcome. Trust me on this. I know. God is who He says He is in the Bible. The Bible either IS His word, or not.

What do you believe?

I choose to believe the Bible. I believe that God wrote it, his invitation to come out of this dark and sin-filled existence. It is the only way, the way of truth and life.

Choose today whom you would serve.

The Devil is a liar, and a cheater too...

Keep that in mind. He sure makes your current state seem inviting.

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