"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, March 4, 2011


I did come down with the dreaded virus that seems to be going around everywhere. I started drinking carrot juice with my vitamins in hope that the sneezing and congestion will diminish soon. Another snow storm is on its way here--one foot predicted for Monday. The weather is all white outside, the sign of a thick cloud cover. About 20 minutes ago I looked out the kitchen window and saw a massive eagle pumping its wings powerfully flying from the south to the north, winging back westward until I couldn't see it anymore. Its white tail was spread like a rudder. I wonder what it's doing here, and I hope the small birds aren't what it's looking for.
This will be a very busy weekend, as the week has been too. Being sick may not infringe on the rest of life!
For school we took the virtual trip to Israel with Ray Van der Laan. Every day we watched one video (yes, not DVD) and listened to his faith lessons. Today the impressive one to me was seeing the two rocks Ray held at Caesarrea. One was a fragment from Herod's great structures built there around 20 to 40 BC. The other was a pebble. Which person do we remember from scripture most? David, or Herod? God used a pebble to kill Goliath but the entire city of Caesarrea, a wonder for that time, is barely remembered. I must confess that when I visited the ruins there back in 1983 the only thing I thought remarkable was the sea, the rocks, and that we had our car broken into. The structures meant little to me. Sure, the aqua-duct was impressive, and the ruins of the amphitheater, but I didn't understand the lay of the land until I watched the Vanderlaan tape. I think I need to go back to Israel.:)
The faith lesson taught that when you do something for the Lord He will get the credit and make it everlasting. When we do things for ourselves (as Herod did) it is doomed to the halls of archeology, if even that!
I think it is important to leave a record of God's grace worked out in my life. We all need encouragement, and drawing from past blessings can pave a smoother path through current hardship. I have a little pebble here. I know that God gives the increase.

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