"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So Much to Say!

Can four or five days go past where the calendar seems relatively empty and your world becomes almost insane with activity?


And I couldn't appreciate much of the last 3 with a screaming mean headache. Functioning became a challenge, but today I convalesced on the porch swing in the country at my parents' home.

Why don't I do that more often?

Well, life happens to be complex right now.

A lovely wedding, a day spent being a novice election judge at the local primary, a picnic of beekeepers (our family being in charge of the children's games), and Ed off to another Scout camp.

Sometimes I feel like my life mirrors everyone in the world, and other times I think I'm the only human being who could possibly have ever experienced what I do!

Both ideas are flat wrong. This I know.

I know that home schooling is rather uncommon despite hearing often, "I did that for a year..."

I've done it since my eldest was in first grade. He was labelled a "behavior problem" in kindergarten, and I knew that wasn't good. That was 15 years ago.

I checked into home-schooling and never looked back. All five kids, all grades.

It is a life style that gives and takes like any other, but the benefits are phenomenal.

Today in the Wall Street Journal there is a review of a book critical of homeschooling, by a mom who tried it.

I'm not going to read it. The review said enough for me, and it sounds like the Critical Mom had an experience vastly unlike my own.

And yet she said some striking things about perceiving Christian home-schoolers. It became very clear that she had absolutely no understanding of the bond and language we share. It baffled her. Instead of seeking to understand she derided us.

It would be like going to Germany and ridiculing the fests held during the summer in almost every town.

Yes, it is a different culture. Faith is seeing things with completely new eyes. Spiritual eyesight, spiritual light.

And happy is the one who finds it. Whoever seeks it will find it. Faith is a wondrous thing.

Wedding thoughts still cooking. I have another wedding this weekend (so excited!) and another invitation came in the mail today...


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