"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Wet Spring

I'm home on a Saturday morning. We have beloved house-guests, and they are away for the lunchtime hour. I'm sitting here watching the pouring rain and being thankful for a moment to reset my brain.

It's been wet all week.

The low spots are lakes and rivers, streams and marsh. I'm wondering how the swamp nests are doing. They must be flooded.

Ed had a marvelous appointment at Mayo Clinic on Thursday. His healing knee was pronounced excellent. The range of motion was better than predicted, the scar perfectly healthy. I am grateful.

I'm grateful for all the prayer that people offered for Ed and his healing. I'm grateful to God for everything.

The appointment took several hours, with X-rays and waiting, but we still had a nice lunch at the Minnesota Grill at the Kahler Hotel then drove by Francis and Edith Schaeffer's former home, just for fun. Rochester is a interesting city.

Back to teaching on Friday, and our friends arrived. Late night talks, solving the world's problems, great fellowship.

I got an invitation from Jan Markell yesterday to a new prophecy Bible study going on in the Twin Cities this summer. It's even in my neck of the woods. Sunday nights (every one except July 2nd) beginning in June.

I think our bi-monthly study may have to move to that one for the summer. Email me for details.

In other news, the Corgi search got pretty intense over the past month. I applied at three rescues, hoping to be the one to get a needy Corgi.

Corgis are hot items. Everyone seems to want to rescue Corgis. I finally put in an application for a mix that may be partly Corgi. I talked to the "foster" mom, and found out that this dog has fear issues. I'm reluctant to adopt a dog with fear issues right now. Also, the breed was just a guess---there was no genetic test made. I thought the face looked pit-bull related.

With all this unsureness I started calling breeders.

I took a stab in the dark on Google and found the old sheep farmer in Nebraska where we got Misty!

I made contact with him via Facebook, and what do you know??? They still have puppies!!!

I put in a request for a small female, a distant relative of our beloved Misty.

Blackberry will have a another puppy to raise. Her head rests on my feet. Life is good for her, and she will be a great adopted mom, helping the little potato to become house-trained.

We are all excited, as a family, to welcome a little ball of joy in the near future.

I'll keep you posted.

There is a sense of despair in the world over Donald Trump. I feel it in the school where I'm working, in people I know on Facebook, in friends who watch the mainstream media news.

I don't. I get my news on the internet, and I'm pretty much up-to-date. Sometimes more up-to-date.

I'm not in despair over Trump. I never liked him. I see him as someone doing a hard job, appointed for this time. He reminds me of someone I've known all my life, so I have sympathy for him and that type of personality.

He's trying. He's inadequate, but he's trying. I'm just so grateful that there have been pro-life measures taken since he gained office. I'm grateful that he is trying to "drain the swamp" of Washington D.C. intrigue. I'm thankful he's still apparently anti-globalist.

We'll see.

Lucifer is a mighty foe. He's got lots of power. He has powerful people in his pocket. He pulls the strings on the puppets of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Bohemian Grove attendees, the Illuminati.

People who claim to be atheist are right in his camp.

Globalist objectives: population control, one-world government, one-world economy, global control.

All predicted in the Bible, coming soon to a life near you!

We are watching Biblically epic events play out. Luciferian pawns are just part of the whole show.

It's time to wake up and look up! Jesus promised his return! He's coming back! We're in the last days, and we know this because so much prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes!

Israel exists! The world is smaller! The technology to control the entire world is here! The powers that be are poised for takeover! It's all falling into place.

And you DON'T want to be left behind. Hell is a horrible place, and the time of Jacob's Trouble will be almost as bad here on earth.

At our prophecy study on Sunday we looked at the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. The events surrounding their appearance are truly frightening. Can you imaging stars falling to earth? The sky rolling back like a scroll? Earthquakes, rocks falling, people running to hide in caves? The description in Revelation is alarming.

There will be a ruler/king who will be the antichrist (white horse), war (red), famine (black), and death (pale).

We are so close.

When these things come to pass, look up! Your redemption draws nigh!

It is good to serve a good God who has given us hope, life, and purpose. He created us for His glory, and we are His. Knowing this paves the way to meaningful existence, and understanding of things as they play out.

It's absolutely true, and it's absolutely necessary.

Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory?

Jesus has won.

Seek Him today.

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