"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Good Stories

I don't have much of a story. (I still write.)

I am a simple midwestern housewife with five kids and one grandson. I'm an army mom, formerly an army wife, (still a wife!) formerly a missionary to Germany (church planting/Muslim ministry). I'm a teacher.

I grew up in the house next door to Corgi Hollows.

I've lived in Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, (briefly) Colorado, Texas, and Germany---besides Minnesota. I've been to Turkey and Israel, Canada, Mexico, Scandinavia, England, Belgium, Holland, Austria and Switzerland.

When I travel I like to stay places, not rush around. I like to feel the culture.

I'm an artist, musician, and writer. I'm not very good at any of these arts, but I DO them, and I make stuff, and I take the time to write, to articulate. Many could do so far better than I do, but I do it, at least.

But my story is pretty dull. You just read it.

 I became a follower of Jesus when I was four years old at special meetings held each summer in this area. Several evangelical churches banded together to support an evangelist's guest appearance at these meetings. Eight nights of singing and preaching, children's meetings, hanging out with all the Christian folk in the area.

I have good memories of that. I made my decision to ask Jesus into my heart as a child, responded to the invitation to pray with a teacher at a little kidney-shaped table my kindergarten size.

I remember it. I prayed with Carol Mooney, who has since gone to be with Jesus.

That's not much of a story, is it?

But that prayer was truly meant, truly life-changing, truly real. I had other epic moments (for me) that propelled my spiritual life onward, but I can't see much of an epic theme. Normal conversion is really all I can summarize my spiritual walk as. Normal, dull, boring. Not special.

But it is my story, and I believe I would have been a completely lost basket case had I not met Jesus quite young.

I read people's testimonies with great interest.

Other people do have good stories. I really love to read the ones about atheists who become Christians. I like to ferret out the moments that convinced them there was a Creator, and that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is that Creator.

I like to read about people who were sucked into spiritualist lifestyles, New Age, Yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism, Satanism, Superstition--the Occult. Then they come to Jesus in a lightning blast of knowing and love! Incredible, I love it! I am thrilled with their transformation.

Johanna Michaelson, Steven Bancarz, Mario--the Vigilant Christian, Nabeel Qureshi, just to name a few.

These are the people I listen to. Their stories are amazing, but they have so much to say. They recognize evil in a way I never could. I watch with interest where their genuine faith in Jesus takes them. They are far more spiritually minded than many of the "Christians" I've known personally for most of my life.

Mental illness doesn't scare me anymore. Perhaps it should. The reality of it is ominous, but Jesus is so much greater than mental illness. I recognize it in some of these testimonies, but the presence of God in these lives makes the miraculous spiritual genesis for each of them all the more amazing.

I love these people!

I learn so much from them. If they recognize something evil I perk up my ears. Maybe there is something I need to be aware of. Maybe they are helpfully trying to warn us!

Too many people in the church pews are lulled into a complacency about their walk with Jesus. Reading the Bible happens once in awhile, church most Sundays, ---porn, violence, and evil themes (movies they watch in the theater and on TV ) are just making up the rest of their free time.

So what? Everyone does it. Barely anyone researches roots and origins of Hollywood (Did you know that Hollywood is the wood witches' brooms were traditionally made of??) and other societal mainstays? It's too much work!

But enter those who have gone the path of darkness. They all seem to be completely enamoured of the dark side, even for a time, sometimes for years. God intervenes and everything changes. These former workers of evil are completely and wholly different, changed, free.

Powerful testimonies.

I would urge you to read a few. Go onto YouTube and watch several people tell their amazing stories.

And then question yourself, your story, your ideas. You may need to ask God to revamp your own life.

Most of us do.

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