"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, July 14, 2017

Summer is Half Over

The corn across the road is high. It is a lovely green and I don't mind its hedge. The sky is summer  blue, and the clouds are innocuous.

Corwyn grows. She's huge. With our travels I've neglected her training, and she needs much discipline! She looks up with those perfect little Corgi eyes and gets away with....

She's pretty cute. I can't wait for puppy stage to be over, but the cuteness is pretty irresistible.

Corgi Hollows is just buzzing. The bees have a couple of boxes full of honey. I do think we will harvest some this year. Ed and Margaret have stepped up to the tasks of keeping them. That's satisfying.

My husband has been spending every spare minute fighting thistles in the swamp. I've been mowing. Mostly I've been trying to catch up with things after being in Arizona for a week! It takes me longer these days.

I've been learning the day shift at the deli. I'm getting pretty good at salads and other scrumptious things. It's fun to see customers line up for the delectables each lunchtime. When you work in a small town you see some people almost every day. Our deli is about the only lunch option. Home-cooked goodness.

I actually look forward to school and subbing again. We will see how long that lasts! I feel like I'm not even in summer mode with everything going on. Gone are the endless days of summer we remember.

Ed started working. Another milestone. He got a good job, and I'm so happy for him. He's taking Calculus II every weekday morning, too.

Margaret works. And works. She even works more. Classes start for her soon, and she's missing France. A good friend is getting married out east, so her hard-earned dollars are buying her passage to the nuptials. I'm so happy she is home. I'm selfish as a mama. I love all my children and when they are away I find an ache of longing in my chest. It never goes away.

The pains of motherhood.

I'm privileged to have most of my children within reach, and I'm able to communicate with all of them. That is a blessing.

Cherie runs in preparation for Cross Country, but not often. She is reading old favorites for the second, or third time. She had a wonderful time at a writer's workshop last month, and she is thinking about everything she learned.

She's the one at home keeping the fires burning, as the rest of us weave in and out of the house.

I've written about the ache of summer days before. This year I've felt it keenly, as the fleeting golden hours slip away to work schedules and other obligations. My expectations for these precious moments were too unrealistic. I'm glad that my time belongs to God.

I'm glad we have timelessness of joy in heaven to anticipate!

Today Cherie and I baked cookies for a soldier. I have a new gadget that Ed asked me to get a few months back. I had never used it before today; a small ice cream scoop with the release bar for forming perfectly sized drop cookies!

Through all the Pampered Chef and Tupperware parties that I've attended I never realized my need for such a gadget, but Ed asked for it one day and I thought, "Why not?"

We found it at Kohl's for a song---Kohl's Cash, you know.

I strongly, highly, recommend buying one for your cookie making improvement. It's revolutionary.

Who knew? These cookies look marvelous.

I'm writing as I wait for the last batch to get out of the oven.

After making tons of potato salad at the deli, my Aunt Del's lemon bars (they are irresistible too), and cookies I'm ready to call it quits for the cooking today.

The oven is turned off. This day is ebbing.
Summer rushes on.

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