"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, July 7, 2017

So We're Back

Who in their right mind drives to Arizona in the summer?
I do.

Our nephew married a lovely there this week, and my husband and I made the trip to be witnesses of the memorable event. It was a wonderful trip, spent with wonderful people, lots of love, happiness and joy.

We even got to side track into the Petrified Forest National Park and observe the stone trees lying on the desert----evidence of a remarkable natural disaster. A flood.

About 4,000 years ago, even. Precisely.

Why not?

When your paradigm is Scripture it is easy to fit the evidence. Not so much when dealing with millions (billions?) of years.

As with the whole scientific argument for a young earth, we can borrow the guidelines of Scripture for setting up our political and philosophical paradigm as well. When politics disappoint we look to the prophecies. We recognize the events as they unfold and look to God's ultimate endgame.

Philosophies are measured against the plumbline of Scripture and we see the errors and fallacies ---sometimes even quickly.

It's a handy guide to life.

As someone who follows Christ I am amazed at the anger I am seeing among those who also profess Christ but hate our current president. I don't approve of him, but I would hope I'd never spew hate. As much as I disliked and distrusted Obama I never allowed myself to HATE him. I prayed for him. Almost daily! I prayed that he would become a believer.

I confess that I don't pray for Trump nearly enough. Lord, help that man!

May the LORD use Trump as He sees fit. God put him in that place as God has put every leader in place since the dawn of time.

Take it up with GOD.

But this anger is stifling, saddening, and ---I will say it----Unchristian!

"Righteous Anger" has always been a lame excuse for carnal anger, and since I can never tell the difference I don't give it much credit. I do know my own temperature emotionally, and I can tell when my brows furrow and my mowing sessions are ruined by mental processing of other people's issues!

Bad idea! I confess. I don't need to solve other people's issues. I have enough of my own.

Anger is dangerous, though, and bitterness is right in step with it. The Bible says that bitterness can make the bones brittle. I believe that. I think it's true. I don't want to let bitterness damage my health. Anger can damage MUCH more than my health. It can destroy relationships, things, and reputations.

Watch out for anger.

It's easy to get angry at Trump. I saw an article in Christianity Today that mentioned Ken Burns and his inability to understand evangelicals. Why did they vote for such vileness? (He said it more vilely.)

He's so angry!

I don't think he even wants to understand the mindset of those who believed that this election was pivotal in many ways, that getting the deep state swamp Jesuit driven Luciferian Illuminati Rhodes Scholar Clintons out of power was vital to the wellbeing of freedom in America. He doesn't get the whole picture, does he? He doesn't even want to, apparently. He spews anger, and that's his aim.

If there is anger anywhere it should be directed at Lucifer himself, but even that is not right. God will take care of Lucifer when the times are fulfilled.

Our anger is fruitless, accomplishes nothing, and hurts us in the end.

So how shall we then live?

When we are in disagreement with the powers that be we must protest. We stand for truths. We wait. We pray. We trust the Lord, that He will bring His purposes to fruition. We keep His commands and live our quiet lives as Micah stipulates. We pray for God's will to be done, and allow prayer to change us, releasing our desires to the Most High.

That's a lot. There is much to do instead of getting angry. Destructive behaviors are never sanctioned.

We live for truth and love.
Whoever is in power is in God's hands, be he anti-Christ or Christian "soldier."

Most of us Christian "soldiers" have issues, so we're not supposed to see ourselves as better than anyone else. Yes, we can make discerning decisions (judgments) about how we should live and what is right or wrong in God's eyes, but we leave the Judgment up to God. He has let us know how He views most things regarding human behavior. (See the 10 Commandments)

We're called to preach the Gospel. Plain and simple.

So let's do it.

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