"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Good Ol' Boy Religion

In these last days of Earth, and the reign of Donald Trump here in the United States I am daily shocked by the lack of discernment, lack of understanding, lack of caring that is demonstrated by too many people.

It truly is easier to sit by and anxiously await change. It's harder to protest violently at things that anger one. It's no effort to maintain the status quo. The law of entropy is irreversible.

The religion of Christianity is full of a mentality that everything's gonna be alright.

It's not. Everything is NOT going to be alright.

I may hear that at the local church that has a cross on top of it, but that is NOT what I read in my Bible.

These last few days on Twitter and on Facebook a young writer by the name of Matt Walsh has posted things about his disbelief in the Bible. He is a conservative, Catholic, and very articulate against abortion. I agree with so many of his views.

I don't agree with his stance on Scripture, but his arguments alerted me to a broader problem that seems pervasive in the Good Ol' Boy types of faith.

Good Ol' Boys don't like to rock the boat too badly. Some fish may scare away.

If the Truth of Scripture doesn't agree with your belief du Jour just ignore it. It will go away, right?

Here are some things the Good Ol' Boys just can't seem to resolve:

A young earth
A coming global kingdom
A Jehu-type character in power in the USA
A shocking idea that just maybe things ARE NOT as they seem politically or philosophically
Christ comes with a sword in his mouth
Israel still matters to Yah
All religions are not equal
The laws of science that absolutely negate the idea of an old universe
Fallen Angels
Spiritual Realities, good and evil
Truth, absolute
People who serve evil
Human nature
Power struggles between the elite and the masses

This is the list that just popped into my head. There is so much deception in the world it could go on almost endlessly.

Once your eyes are opened there is no going back. It's a state of being awakened. There is a Red Pill/Blue Pill analogy that is often used too, and it seems to be an accurate description of the underlying issues that are going on all around us.

Once you see the deeper truths so many conflicts DO disappear. The Good Ol' Boys prefer to remain in the dark with their beer and good times.

Jesus came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. Good Ol' Boys refuse to believe that. They cling to the old ways, old religions and beliefs. They are unwilling to study the new information that supports the Word of God 100%. It is too disruptive to their customs.

So sad. There is so much more to BE in Christ.

Come out, Beloved! Come out and live.

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