"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Dear Pastors,

Not you, John, (Our pastor is "woke" and knows about a lot of these things!)

But I am appalled at the "spiritual leaders" in my own community who are absolutely clueless to spiritual warfare and Biblical truth.

They are blending all sorts of spiritual practices and compromises that are absolutely anathema to God into the church.

There is a spirit of evil in the churches today. The music is absolutely confusing. Depression and spiritual oppression are rampant. Do pastors even understand the spiritual war that is waging on their flocks?

Coming up soon Brian McLaren will be speaking at a church nearby. This church has a "theological guru" as a pastor, a hip guy who has introduced a maze, homosexuality and Buddhist practices into the "Christian" community of this area.

Woe to the shepherds who confuse the message of the cross. Woe to the shepherds who cause their sheep to stumble.

Because these pastors don't believe in Scripture, but choose to make a god in their own image, they have no fear of their eternal destiny presently.

I used to think that pastors, surely, would try to feed their flocks. Now I know that there are wolves among the sheep. I've seen it. It has crept into our churches, colleges, denominations, seminaries, Bible schools, and house churches.

Satan laughs and laughs.

The Deceiver has won many battles in hearts of pastors. So few pastors have found the Holy Spirit and the conviction of the Spirit. They are merrily leading people down the path of the Lie.

So many young men with a spiritual calling have lost their faith in pursuit of a theological degree of some kind.

Instead of taking the Word of God at face value, that God wrote it, as many giants of the faith have asserted for centuries, no matter what the "higher criticism" undermines------these young men have believed the lie, and turned their face from the Truth of the Word.

The seminaries actually scoff at those of us who take God at His Word.

God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. God doesn't change.

Woe to you pastors for losing faith in the One who made you.
Woe to you pastors for refusing to teach about sin and its damning effects.
Woe to you pastors for being unaware of the Devil and his wily tactics.
Woe to you pastors for leading the children away from Truth.
Woe to you pastors for compromising on the commands of Christ.
Woe to you pastors for neglecting to give hope to your flocks.


Repent. There is still time.


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