"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Doubts of a 37 Year Old

When I was 37 I was just coming out of an era of Higher Criticism in my life. I didn't take God at His Word. I doubted Him.

I had pretended that He was something I liked always.

I had refused to believe what the Bible said about him, what He said about Himself through the centuries and the ones He chose to write His Word.

Was I saved?

Yes. I think so. I loved the LORD with all my heart.

Had I mislead some people?


Was I loving an idol that I had imagined?


It took a creation scientist teaching a science class to my home-schooled kids to sway my ideas toward Biblical authority and inerrancy. I had always touted a flippant view of inerrancy. I was hip and young and open minded.

When I saw the scientific evidence presented for a young universe I was amazed.

Could the text be trusted?

I'm embarrassed to say that I had been swayed by theistic evolution, at least somewhat. Evolution doesn't have a leg to stand on scientifically or statistically. This leaves the door open for a Biblical worldview on Creation, and I was persuaded, hook, line, and sinker.

After all, what else do we have? There are no original witnesses to Creation except for God Himself, and if He said it, (and Jesus Christ affirmed it!) Creation happened as Genesis describes.

When I think about what I believed at age 37 compared to what I affirm in my faith and believe now I can see a massive pole shift toward trusting God at His word.

I'm comfortable with whom He describes Himself to be. I don't need to redefine Him.

I'm still uncomfortable with the judgment of sin, hell, but I have little authority to change that. It's a given. Hell is real. God talks about it, especially in Revelation.

I have to accept God for who He is or reject Him completely.

A young writer passed away yesterday at age 37. She claimed to be a christian. I am (thankfully) not her judge, but I have compassion on her. I had the same sorts of thoughts at her age that she had.

I have had a couple more decades and a few experiences to sort and iron things out.  She passed, and I hope she had enough understanding to choose the God of the Word. I hope she is with Him. God is merciful, but her writings have led many down a path away from Him. I wouldn't want to stand before Christ with that on my record.

I've had her on my mind all day. What would Jesus do?

I cling to the Word. It becomes increasingly the only truth in this crazy darkening world. You can hardly trust yourself these days with internet deception, fake news, "science," and pagan influence!

I'm old. I'm thankful God allowed me a few years and some maturity to become convinced of His goodness and truth, all put forth in an ancient Book which describes the beginning of time to future events.

God is awesome. My doubts are so "yesterday!"

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