I've been a prophecy watcher for 50 years. I've watched the development of the global anti Christ system and the signs of the times.
It's fascinating.
Since I was a young girl I've wondered how, exactly, the Antichrist could seize world power. Who is he? Is he living now? How do things work out?
I am totally a conspiracy theorist, as we ALL should be. There is a grand conspiracy to become the new world order. Let's just see what happens, right?
When Margaret was about 11 she won a scholarship for writing an essay. It was a $1,500 award from the Minnesota Hobby Beekeepers Association to become a beekeeper.
We were then happily immersed in the world of honeybees, their care, their keeping, their crisis. It was a whole new world, and very fascinating. As we see how the world affects the tiniest of creatures like bees or frogs we wonder how the world is affecting us.
It can't be completely harmless, can it?
WE know that the globalist plan (Check out Lester Brown's Plan B on Public Television) is to reduce the population. How? How do you reduce population? Abortion? Abject killing?
What about something Francis Schaeffer suggested? Mass poisoning of some type administered in low doses to the population. Radiation? GMO's? Food supply? War? Natural disasters? It seems probable or even likely when we see the true agenda.
Stalin and Hitler, Communist and National Socialist respectively, both chose to simply put people to death.
The world won't be able to handle that again, but there are still those in power that have the same motive: to reduce or eliminate populations.
Conspiracy? Look around you. Kids are glued to their phones. Drug usage is just as rampant as ever. Alcohol usage has never been higher nor more acceptable, especially among "Christians." This is poison consumption, and it has been mainstreamed.
Something is going on.
Those of us who are paying attention can see links to Bible prophecy, many times over. We're watching. We're not alarmed, just interested. We know how the story ends.
I like the verse Luke 21:18. It must be read in context, as all Scripture. There is an assurance there that surpasses anything that could happen on earth. Also, nothing can separate us from our Lord and Savior---not death, not anything.
God will not permit anything to happen to us without the promise that all things work together for good, according to those who love Him. We literally cannot be harmed by a snake bite without God's tender intervention: die or live. We believers live in constant trust in the Almighty. He knows what is best for each of us and He loves us. He loves us enough to die on the cross and suffer for us. That is true love.
So, as we watch these sinister forces gather and exert evil across this blue-green planet we look to the One who made it, who made us, and who will see us through until the end.
I am a rapture person. I believe Jesus is coming in the air to claim His bride and take us home to be with Him. These are scriptural claims, and we can trust the Lord's word.
Whatever the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, the Bilderburgers or the Council on Foreign Relations may be up to: nothing that they can do trumps our destiny with Christ. We can observe their threat, but they are powerless before the Most High.
They are living in delusion of the Truth from all time.
It's fascinating.
Since I was a young girl I've wondered how, exactly, the Antichrist could seize world power. Who is he? Is he living now? How do things work out?
I am totally a conspiracy theorist, as we ALL should be. There is a grand conspiracy to become the new world order. Let's just see what happens, right?
When Margaret was about 11 she won a scholarship for writing an essay. It was a $1,500 award from the Minnesota Hobby Beekeepers Association to become a beekeeper.
We were then happily immersed in the world of honeybees, their care, their keeping, their crisis. It was a whole new world, and very fascinating. As we see how the world affects the tiniest of creatures like bees or frogs we wonder how the world is affecting us.
It can't be completely harmless, can it?
WE know that the globalist plan (Check out Lester Brown's Plan B on Public Television) is to reduce the population. How? How do you reduce population? Abortion? Abject killing?
What about something Francis Schaeffer suggested? Mass poisoning of some type administered in low doses to the population. Radiation? GMO's? Food supply? War? Natural disasters? It seems probable or even likely when we see the true agenda.
Stalin and Hitler, Communist and National Socialist respectively, both chose to simply put people to death.
The world won't be able to handle that again, but there are still those in power that have the same motive: to reduce or eliminate populations.
Conspiracy? Look around you. Kids are glued to their phones. Drug usage is just as rampant as ever. Alcohol usage has never been higher nor more acceptable, especially among "Christians." This is poison consumption, and it has been mainstreamed.
Something is going on.
Those of us who are paying attention can see links to Bible prophecy, many times over. We're watching. We're not alarmed, just interested. We know how the story ends.
I like the verse Luke 21:18. It must be read in context, as all Scripture. There is an assurance there that surpasses anything that could happen on earth. Also, nothing can separate us from our Lord and Savior---not death, not anything.
God will not permit anything to happen to us without the promise that all things work together for good, according to those who love Him. We literally cannot be harmed by a snake bite without God's tender intervention: die or live. We believers live in constant trust in the Almighty. He knows what is best for each of us and He loves us. He loves us enough to die on the cross and suffer for us. That is true love.
So, as we watch these sinister forces gather and exert evil across this blue-green planet we look to the One who made it, who made us, and who will see us through until the end.
I am a rapture person. I believe Jesus is coming in the air to claim His bride and take us home to be with Him. These are scriptural claims, and we can trust the Lord's word.
Whatever the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, the Bilderburgers or the Council on Foreign Relations may be up to: nothing that they can do trumps our destiny with Christ. We can observe their threat, but they are powerless before the Most High.
They are living in delusion of the Truth from all time.
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