"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, May 20, 2019

Useful Idiots

As I have written before, I was invited to attend a "citizenship camp" back in high school.

It was a camp run by the Farm Bureau, up north, and my 4-H club was the conduit for attendees.

The speaker was a former FBI agent, a Mormon, Cleon Skousen. He wrote a book called "The Naked Communist," and I listened to him with interest.

I also heard a fascinating story from a POW in Vietnam. He was a wrestling champion from Nebraska, and it was riveting. It sounds similar to what John McCain experienced.

I still have the notes and the literature from that camp, heavily doodled upon, as was my bent those days.

I didn't realize how effective that camp was. I was a teenager. Now I'm middle-aged, and I see exactly what those speakers were talking about.

I am an ardent conservative, and I couldn't believe that Communism could have such an influence in our United States.

Then I went to college.

I saw my Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship become progressive. I saw the influence, at Wheaton College, of people like Tony Campolo and Jim Wallis.

I saw these "progressive" voices gain ground among my Christian friends and family.

Many of my "Christian" friends defended socialism as being more Christian than Capitalism. Leftists would argue that Christianity wasn't political. "Why does it matter so much?" I was asked by one of my fellow classmates at Wheaton College, the son of a prominent and well-known "Christian" radio personality.

Now  I can see that these folk were wolves, wolves in sheep's clothing. They were Communists infiltrating the church, just as the Marxist agenda dictated.

Politics and philosophy DO MATTER. Yes, we are believers, followers of Christ, but that is actually a philosophy.

You cannot have one without the other.

You must take a stand against any leftism, or you will go down the rabbit hole of atheism.

WE all know that the New World Order will have its day when true believers are swept away, seized, by Christ. Everyone will bear its mark, and it is coming. It's prophesied, and all of the LORD's prophecies come to pass.

This is a warning. Are you a useful idiot? Are you still following a leftist philosophy? Are you a member of the Democrat Party? Are you brainwashed by the public school system? Are you listening to the mainstream churches, the pope, the college professors? Are you listening to the media? NPR?

You do know that the communist agenda was to infiltrate all the institutions that once held conservative ideas?

It's overwhelming.

You need to come out from them.

I am teaching in a public school these days. I have conservative teachers BEG me to go back to teaching full time. They are there, undercover. We know each other.

God forbid that we let it be known publicly. We'd all be terminated. Why do you think my entire online presence is "Corgi Hollows?"

Family and former friends who are brainwashed by Marxism now have begun to hate. It was Donald Trump that force their hand----It's become clear what the true colors are.

They are out to destroy capitalism and the Bible-believing folk who place all their trust in Jesus Christ.

WAKE UP! Leave the evil agenda. Follow Christ! Don't listen to the leftist propaganda! It's Luciferian to its core.

I am an activist. I own that term without shame. I encourage you to activate, and fight for conservative values that protect your freedom of conscience and faith.

You have NO IDEA how far along the agenda has been fulfilled. We are waiting to see Jesus, and the system will be completely in place by a date sooner than you would imagine.

The New World Order is here, and you must not be a useful idiot.

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