"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, July 12, 2019

Heading for the Pool...

Oh what a two days it has been!

I'm all set up with my new university! I spent two days just accessing and organizing my online presence at the school.

It's all good from here out, right?

Add to that bridal showers and online gifts (isn't that easy?!) ---work, calendar modification,---my life is BOOKED UP.

I learned that online credits cost more, but I just happened to sign up for three online classes.

I wanted to diminish my online time, but it looks like it may be a blessing in disguise.

Those of you going back to school in your fifties can relate to me----it's an education in technology as well as one in my core studies!

I can do this, right?

Well, we'll see. One day at a time.

We've had two weeks of fun and games with guests from all over. I have washed all the sheets and towels and Cheri mowed the grass. The garden is full of weeds. I was able to weed portions of the brick walk on the south of the house----a job needing to be done every year.

The cats are hunting rodents and doing their jobs magnificently. Topaz visited the vet the other day and was pronounced SUPER HEALTHY. The vet just crooned over him. I love her.

One thing has suffered over the last two weeks----my pain quotient.

I've been unable to fit my pool time in. I have to swim to avoid debilitating headaches. I've had a low grade ache for a week now, and today is finally the day to GET TO THE POOL!

So, off I go.

My mid-week vacation from the hotel is now over, and I'm back to a busy schedule.

School starts SOON!


Footnote: Haven't heard from the adventurers for a few days now, not even satellite coordinates. Maybe tonight.

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