"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

oil slicks and politics

Being a conservative Republican, I got pretty sick of the wild accusations made against George
W over the eight years he was president.  Now it really seems like it's tit-for-tat against Obama.  I guess that when you live by the sword you die by the sword.
I feel sorry for him.  I feel sorry for the people of America who'll ultimately bear the cost of the spill, not British Petroleum.  I feel most sorry for the horrible loss of  habitat and marine life.  How can you be insensitive to the pain caused the living things that God created?
I know that this earth will pass away, and all things will become new.  Is this the beginning of a worldwide pollution of the seas issue?  I find it fascinating to see events play out as predicted in Scripture, but I fully acknowledge that people overreach reading the signs of the times.  Hind sight is 20/20, and we can always say 'that was what was happening according to this and so forth...' without hitting the absolute truth.  It is almost a game that we play.  Exciting, isn't it?  Only everything should be pointing to the one and only way to eternal salvation---faith in Christ.  I heard recently that the Bible was almost half history, one fifth admonishment on living, and a third PROPHECY.  Again--exciting.  This matters to the Author of Scripture.  He really is trying to let us know what's going to happen.  We need to pay attention.
Snow predicted for Friday here.  Poor bees.  I hope the flowers can handle it.  Our spring came so early that it's hard for everything to withstand the freeze now!
I look out at a green world with dark skies, and I know Who is in control.

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