"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What colors my world right now is tension and impatience. Grrrrr.

Imagine all these things happening with clenched teeth: Schoolwork (because it goes on all year here, despite the milestones) cleaning, visitors, visitees :), a trip to Duluth and the wonderful lake there, Ivanhoe (we took the time to watch it last weekend), glancing at the news and all that transpires over a hot week in July, (debt crisis, terrorism in Norway), studying for my test (I should be taking it here before long!), learning finance, and the activities of five children. (Too many to list!)

The wet weather has contributed to an unusually green summer. THAT is beautiful, and mosquito-y.

I'm thinking about Christ Jesus, and how He has let me be in this spot right now. Not something I'd ask for, but certainly a time of learning. Somehow my tension issues give me the guilty feeling of thinking I've not passed this spiritual test. Learning to deal with fear is something I've been working on for years. I have learned much, but I haven't mastered the art of release! (Let me know PLEASE what you have learned!)

Here's what I've learned about dealing with fear:

Christ commands us to "Fear Not." If He commands it, it must be possible to do it, with His help at the very least, right?

Face your fear. What could possibly be the worst outcome you imagine from the fear you have? Remind yourself of Christ's power in facing that, and that you will be given the grace to bear it.

If you can't face the "worst," ignoring it will never help it. One can medicate fear, be distracted from fear, revel in it, become numb to it. Trying to forget it only brings about suppressed tensions---my dilemma.

I have found that I can turn to Christ in prayer, sing praise to Him, and quietly wait on His strength to overcome my fear. I have often turned to my Bible for comfort or a word of direction.

I heard a man speak years ago about how Scripture can speak directly to a life issue when you maintain a regular daily MORNING quiet time. It made an impression on me. I think the man had discovered some way to extract silver from the process of developing photographs in order to re-use it. He was a millionaire. I'm sure he is no longer living here on earth, but he had a love for Jesus that I can still recall. He passed on valuable advice.

I've thought of that testimony many times over the years, and what a reminder it is to stay in the Word. Reading Scripture is the single most powerful way to find direction, grow in Christ, and combat FEAR.

My fear levels correlate directly with my daily quiet times.

I've been reading "Discovering the Bible," by Gordon Addington (NavPress) this year. It is a daily Bible reading plan to read through the entire Bible in one year. Commentary is very good and simple to understand for any believer. I recommend.

Even in this time of uncertainty I can trust in God. My life is full of joy and peace, fun and happiness. I may still deal with my fears daily, but God is faithful to help me in this spiritual battle.  If that can be helpful to anyone dealing with trial (and we all do) much the better.

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