"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

The second law of thermodynamics is an expression of the tendency that over time, differences in temperature, pressure, and chemical potential equilibrate in an isolated physical system. From the state of thermodynamic equilibrium, the law deduced the principle of the increase of entropy and explains the phenomenon of irreversibility in nature.


I've come to the conclusion that law plays a huge role in my life, and can be used to illustrate multiple circumstances that develop in our daily experience!

At the very least it is a sure cure for high expectations!

On occasion I suffer from debilitating headache, and when that occurs the house life around here seems to suffer in kind. After two days of pain I emerged to a kitchen in need of deep cleaning, floors that needed mopping/vacuuming/ or dusting, and mountains of laundry. That proves to me that the law of entropy exists and I must counteract this force with significant energy!

I rallied the troops on Tuesday and *demanded* better care of the premises.

I thought I HAD lowered my expectations. I guess I have it in me to go lower, but I think it is impossible to dispense with them.

I'm thankful that the "troops" appeared to be good sports, and things did look much better by evening.

I was happy to recover my cell phone which was missing since February. It was found, safe and sound, in the depths of the cushions of a soft old easy chair at my folk's house. When I was a toddler the family history records my attempt to "color" that chair orange. It was an insipid off-gold. I always liked clear colors, and the late sixties were the days of avocado green and dull gold. I must have thought I could use orange to liven it up?

Now the chair is reupholstered a deep meadow green. Perhaps its hiding of my cell phone was revenge for the assault I made on it decades ago?

I'm happy to have it back, and the number is still good. Message me for the update. I do love texting.

Yesterday my son began organ lessons. He was able to play the largest tracker pipe organ in the United States!

He pulled the "tutti" stop and let it rip on one of Bach's toccatas. You can't help but increase your heart rate listening to that!

Of course his new instructor had an opinion: he's got to re-learn things. (No surprise!!) We are thrilled he can do this, with such an instrument!

It's been raining for two days, and we needed the moisture. It's so green out there it rests the eyes. The lawn is a swatch of velvet. Meadow green. And in much need of mowing.

The buttercup squash  and the butternut squash are planted. The pumpkins are planted around the new roses, as I mentioned, and sprouted. I bought verbena at the grocery store, and I look forward to it adding more color! I am waiting to buy geraniums when the price drops later in the season. My Scandinavian rose bushes, Sven, Ole, and Lena, are blooming now.

This morning I got a call from someone I know who is musical. She had seen a DVD of the special concert we sang in 2 weeks ago. She couldn't believe the beauty, the message, and the uplifting experience ! I felt it was that, too.

I want to get one of those DVD's!

For now we can see the individual pieces on YouTube. The director, Michael Devine, is young, but very gifted, and I know he will do great things in the music world. It will be fun to watch his career.

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