"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Discerners Anonymous

Once I had a conversation at a women's gathering that ended up as a love-fest between several women who identified as "discerners." 

I took one of those Myers-Briggs type tests long ago that identified strengths and spiritual aptitude (okay, it was a spiritual gifts test) and I had the not-so-surprising-to-me gift of "discernment" as one of my "strengths."

What was so funny about the conversation at the gathering, years later, was the bond of fellowship we discovered in being mutually eschewed by people without that "gift."  Priceless. All of us felt our discernment was unwelcome, unwanted, and worthless to no one but ourselves.

Can you say humility?

Oh, well, because it just happens to be in our make-up, and God obviously had SOME purpose in giving SOME people that gift, it must have SOME meaning for SOMEONE. Right?

Well, even if it didn't, we ARE called to practice our spiritual gifts, whether or not they are appreciated.

Discerners are the nay-sayers. We are the ones who check out the facts. We listen, have our ears to the ground. We put pieces of the puzzle together. We read copious amounts, listen, and judge. Yes, that is a part of discernment; judging.

No WONDER we get a bad "rap!"

We build trust in few, we watch and observe.

Above all, like counterfeit finders, we acquaint ourselves with Biblical Truth, and measure what we see against it.

And what do we get for our "discernment?"

We get judged. We are disliked. We are pilloried. We are labelled judgemental. We are mocked and made fun of.  We listen to people justifying ANYTHING we might be discerning about. We hear their arguments, and feebly attempt to assuage the contempt.

No wonder we need a support group!

It's funny any of us stand a chance at practicing our discernment!

But because we are simply discerners, we don't just cease to be. Despite the reactions we plow on, weighing, watching, and pointing out danger. We don't quit, because we love. We care. We follow a higher calling of obeying God rather than man. We risk the pain, because we want the ones we love to be "in the fold." We care too much for their souls to leave the words unspoken.

We really aren't curmudgeons, wringing wet rags on people's "fun."

We are truth tellers.

If we step on your toes, it's only out of concern, and we'd rather your toe be put out of joint than your soul damaged.

So we risk. And we bear the scars. And we look to our beautiful Lord and Savior to heal those wounds.

And we fear one thing: that we would be accused of being silent and have the blood of someone unsuspecting on our heads.

So try to understand.

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