"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Greening

This week has its insanity aspect: guests, son home from college, new temporary job for him, teaching a class about bees to 200 students, final classes for Margaret, huge garage sale for Scouts that I'm helping to organize, final party/social event for the chorale, and EVERYTHING ELSE.

Spring comes and the energy returns.

I made a cheese danish last night that I shouldn't have: it's just too good. I've never made anything like it before, but I think I'll do a Repeat sometime soon. I'm not sure what possessed me to make it. Drooling over a photo, perhaps.

Ed is learning a new skill: video editing. I think it will serve him well, since he SO enjoys that sort of technical endeavor. He gets to edit our pastor's sermons now. Such power!

It's really just the coughs and pauses, but it's learning.

Yesterday, this class I taught on bees, was really well attended. The concern for bees was well taken. I am always amazed at how little people know about bees, but then I remember how little I knew before we became beekeepers.

It just happened that yesterday the bees were again headlined in the news. Very serendipitous. Of course we all should know that bees are in trouble.

I explained our current dependence on bees and their pollination, the threats to their existence, and the life cycle of the hive.

We stood outside at the park nearby with our sample frames, some with dead bees, some with honey. The children were fascinated, as they should be. Bees are truly fascinating.

Such incredible creations.

Someone is power-walking by the house right now. He is certainly inspired by the lush green of the grass we now have. I need to get going. I'm purging the house today for the garage sale. It is not a job for the faint of heart.

Fortified with cheese danish and my morning caffeine: Off I go.

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