"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, January 31, 2014

Next Tuesday

There is going to be a debate between Bill Nye the Science Guy and Ken Ham the Creationist next Tuesday evening.

It will be streaming live on Google, so you can watch it if you care to. I think millions will watch it. It's sort of like a new Scopes Trial.

There is so much more evidence for a young earth, for creation, now, since the Scopes trial. It's overwhelming.

One of the things Bill Nye (the actually bitter and irritable Bill Nye----we went to the Red Balloon Bookstore on Grand Avenue in St. Paul years ago to see him in person. So many kids turned out we had to walk to an adjacent church for the event. I was taken aback by his demeanor and his unfriendly personality! Perhaps it was the church, the unexpected turn-out, or was it just Bill Nye?) has touted as a talking point is that it is abuse to teach children 'creation.'

Just for the record: I am a total creationist (I have written about it multiple times here, of my conversion to creationism later in life) but each of my children understands the theory of evolution COMPLETELY. Probably more than the average child. My children are completely aware of the entire proposition, the fossil record, the geological layers. We read National Geographic. We visit the Science Museum of Minnesota frequently (we're members).

But they also know the problems. The overwhelming problems. They know the worldview that seeks to deceive and question God's almighty power on display in His creation.

Makes sense, doesn't it?

As one of my best friends said a few years back, it will become increasingly obvious that there is a huge gap between true, Bible-believing Christianity and everything else as the days draw to a close. God is giving EVERYONE a last chance to choose eternal life. He's making it clear that the sheep are not the goats, that believers must stand apart.

He calls us to stand apart.

I think that the debate will reach those who choose Christ. I think some will be forced to make a choice they have ignored or avoided.

There's a song for this, Andrew Culverwell's "There's No Sitting on the Fence."

I can't find it on YouTube, but if you look for it you can hear it. Those lyrics have sat in the back of my brain for years, and they are so true.

There is no sitting on the fence, either you're in or you're out.

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