"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Regarding Daniel

Everyone who is a believer should take comfort in the verses I posted recently in Daniel 12.

I felt I should share them as I had a discussion with a young believer who feels a sense of dread about the end times. Certainly there are so many people dying from extreme persecution for holding to the Christian faith.

I'm seeing things on Facebook and Pinterest that are horribly disturbing. We must pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being martyred.

Here Daniel promises us that when the wrath of God falls on the earth (the time of tribulation) those names written in the book will be safe.

We are not in that time yet. We are seeing the persecution of the saints, but not yet the wrath of God.

Noah saw the wrath of God too.

However silly and off Hollywood is Biblically, the truth remains. The movie about Noah is a story of divine destruction. God's wrath and punishment of sin.

Get in the ark! Are we experiencing last warnings? Don't risk eternity by waiting to see. Come to Christ now.

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