"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Identity of Christ


Chuck Missler interviewed by Derek Gilbert. An interesting thought from J Vernon McGee in this interview:

Paraphrased- There will be a time when Bible believers will have to go "underground," and it won't be because of persecution from people we know as non-believers. It will come from denominational "Christians."


Those people are pretending to believe that they are Christian, when in fact they have no inkling of thinking the Bible is all true (inerrant, as it claims to be). They may think there are "truths" in the Bible, but it is full of disputable facts, like the resurrection of Christ.

This is where the chaff separates from the wheat.

This is the parable that Jesus gave us about seed on the four types of soil.

This is the real test of true eternal belief.

Did God say?

The Devil questioned Eve with that one, and he's been successfully getting people to doubt God ever since.
2 Corinthians 4 explains the Gospel of Jesus, and also the reason for so many people having hardened hearts toward God's Truth.

Make sure your heart isn't hard. Ask for the Holy Spirit to open your blind eyes, and see His Truth, His salvation, His hope.

I know there are many people who scoff at us "fundamentalists." When I was young it was cool to be known as an "Evangelical." How we looked down our noses at those Bible thumpers!

Yes, yes, we believed the Bible too. Of course. We had all the scientific logical philosophical arguments down pat. We had realistic up-to-date faith. We were on the path to Universal acknowledgement that Jesus was wonderful. Come on everybody! It's the coolest thing...

As I've aged I've seen a transformation in my own spiritual walk, and I have a far greater appreciation for the Word of God than I had when I was young.

It stands the tests. Always.

I've lost my idea that it's cool to be evangelical and hip to be inclusive. I've ceased to care about how I come across to people, and I'm more concerned about how I come across to God.

I want to give Him glory and honor, praise and adoration. In everything----sickness, disease, persecution, beheadings and executions.

It boils down to asking the deepest question---what matters most?

Christianity is following Christ. Being a follower of Christ is believing Him, His Word, and experiencing the grace that flows out of that personal relationship with Him.

Not based on "experience." The relationship is based on the ENTIRE Word of GOD.

Count me in.

Time is short. Rosh Hoshanna is just around the corner. Could it be this year? "This year in Jerusalem!" is a happy cry. "This year with our LORD and SAVIOR!" is a joyous declaration! Oh that it would be so.


One more link that is so full of promise! Beautiful.

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