"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, June 23, 2016

A Republic, If You Can Keep It

There is a raging debate about guns going on.

The liberals want guns limited/controlled. The conservatives want the 2nd Amendment upheld.

It's really that clear cut.

People who don't know history are doomed to repeating it, at least they will unknowingly repeat it.

Our country was originally inhabited by warring tribes of native peoples. "Savagery" was the rule of the day, as unattractive a truth that may be. It's history. The word savage was coined to describe the people who used inhumane treatment with each other.

It's historical.

The pilgrims came to this continent in the early 1600's. At least half of the people on the Mayflower were Bible-believers. They had their issues; drunkenness, anger, selfishness, depression. They were human, and sinful, but they had a Book that taught a code of justice.

The Bible acknowledges sin. It describes the beginnings of it, and it gently informs the world that we are simply all sinners. Gently, I say, because there are so many people who simply cannot acknowledge that mankind is sinful and fallen. There is no coercion to believe the Bible. It's always and ever been a matter of choice.

I am NOT talking about the religion that has its headquarters in Rome. That is not about Biblical faith. That is about human revelation and tradition. I'm talking about the BIBLE, in its glorious depth, Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, ----translated by Martin Luther, Tyndale, Wycliffe----


Many native people became followers of the Book. Some of the most wonderful and helpful natives were believers----Samoset, Squanto, Pocahontas----

The impact that the Bible had on civilization was positive and life-preserving. People hearing the message of salvation and God's laws started to live together in peace and harmony.

Yes. There was still sin.

Jump forward to our Republic's birth, 1776. Our founding fathers were predominantly Christian, though many were deists, Freemasons, and existentialists. All agreed that the Bible was an important part of the new American governing stipulations.

It's history. You can find it.

Even if they did not believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob they acquiesced to the Bible's helpful structure for governing principles.

Firearms were invented in China in the 13th century. They were crude at first, but quickly they became instruments of war in Europe, and were brought to the New World along with the Europeans.

They've been around a long time, and they were extremely useful in hunting, and formidable weapons in war. Fire power has always been an issue in war.

War. It's a product of fallen mankind. War has existed since Cain and Abel, and WILL EXIST until the earth burns up. Armageddon.

There are numerous "wars" that we fight daily, though, and they are for our beliefs, our way of life, our livelihood, our personal existence.

I love to read "war stories" of people's personal testimonies. They are the best. Sometimes they are too amazing to believe! But people tell us that they are true.

Have you ever read the story of Sadhu Sundar Singh? He's one of my all time favorite people ever. His story has inspired me since I was in fifth grade, when I read the little Moody Press bio that my mom had on the bookshelf. I LOVE HIS STORY.....

But I digress.

War stories are being played out each day, and if you don't know your position, your arsenal, your back up-----you will be creamed.

This gun control argument, it has raged for decades.

I would like to stand up and voice a view. It's NOT about the guns. It's about social decay, lack of education, moral failure, violence, crime, misunderstanding, human nature, and SIN.

The founding fathers knew that God's moral law was absolutely necessary for a society to function. There had to be a Righteous Judge in the universe to mete out righteous judgment.

Well, it worked for about 150 years. The government threw God out in 1950 and the Humanists quietly exerted their strength. We are post-Christian, and godless, ala Will Durant, Dewey, Huxley, Shaw, Sagan, Fabian Socialism


Some may call that a victory. It isn't. Secular humanism is a false religion. It is simply another attempt to make an idol of something other than the Creator.

It does serve a purpose, though. As a prophecy watcher, it has played the role of bringing about an unified philosophy that will bring about the ONE WORLD ORDER.

Yes, yes, that's old news.

Today we talk about guns, though. Just because we are on a path toward socialism/humanism doesn't mean we don't have a voice in the "war" against that. We are at philosophical war.

Have you checked out the "Georgia Guide stones" yet? The first item listed is to reduce the world population to under 500,000,000. That's half a billion, for those of us who are poor at math. There are close to 8 billion people in the world now.

Picture that.

Humanism is about reducing the human footprint, sustainability, and the good of mankind. It sounds real nice.

But it isn't. When the individual person is dissed in comparison to the whole, certain ideas, rights, beliefs suffer. It's pretty simple, really.

That is why the founding fathers, with trepidation, I believe, allowed individuals the freedom to defend themselves. Have guns, will defend.

We're talking philosophical war, here, people.

Crime and violence and mass murder are symptoms of the darkness of human nature and inferior belief systems.

What we need, REALLY, is the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST to be preached with conviction far and wide, just as it was in the 1600's, and 1700's-----White, Brainerd, the Wesley's, etc.

The Gospel without the whole "seeker" mush, but the hell fire and brimstone Gospel, the not-cool truth that people are messed up. That spiritual re-birth is a must, and that ONLY the HOLY SPIRIT can do that.

Tale as old as time.

But powerful to this day.

Guns are tools. They sit in the hands of people who aren't so good. Jimmy Carter said that he believes in the innate goodness of humanity.

He is purported to be "born-again." I doubt it. Anyone who is really born again knows that their human nature is anything but good, and needs a savior to be able to LOVE OTHERS AS HIMSELF. Being born again is a spiritual transformation by a Holy God.

It's a Bible thing.

So, I know, as well as anyone, that the days of our Republic are setting. I am one little housewife in Minnesota who reads. I have no power to change the course of history or prophesied events. I can tell others of the Truth I have found in the Word of God, and the hope it gives me personally, and to anyone who believes.

I know that to live is Christ, to die is gain.

I know that I must love my enemy.

I know that God is a righteous and holy judge.

I have nothing to fear.

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