"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, December 3, 2018

A Little Science


Here you see the gene make up that determines skin color in human beings. God made his first human couple with the combination of AABBCCaabbcc between the two of them. Thereafter all human beings have a combination of these six possibilities.

Last night at the jail I shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ using the famous and well-used "Wordless Book."

This book was developed to help those who cannot read remember the simple points of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Child Evangelism Fellowship , a mission based in Missouri, came up with this idea many years ago and they still use it in their "Good News Clubs."

I love it. The pages are a dark grey or black, red, white, gold or yellow, and green.

The dark page symbolizes sin, red--the blood of Jesus Christ, the plain page is the washing away of sin, gold or yellow represents the hope of heaven, and green our daily walk with Christ.

Sadly some people have associated this little book with skin color since it has a "black" page and a "white" page.

While I use the book I never use the words black or white. I use "dark and clean." The colors represent the heart condition only, never a color of skin!

Last night I gave the simple message at the jail. These women in jail are intelligent, wonderful people who have committed some crime. I respect them despite their crimes. Many of them have never heard the Gospel, ever, and many of them speak English poorly or not at all. I find that sharing the Gospel is absolutely important, and the Lord has convicted me when I neglected to do it!

After I shared another woman pointed out that the book was not about skin color, a concept I had steadfastly refused to acknowledge, did not want to emphasize, and has simply and remotely nothing to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I am deeply sorry that she brought the association to the forefront at all. It never should have been mentioned.

As I slept on it, my thoughts are nudging me towards some form of damage control with these dear women, and I think addressing the concept of race according to skin color is a must for me. I'm practicing here on Corgi Hollows for what I will present next time at the jail.

When God made the first man and woman He gave the design for diversity. God loves the nations. He loves the people He has fashioned! Evolutionary science seems preoccupied with "race" and superiority, a fallacious concept since God made ONE RACE: HUMAN! We are all humans with diverse facial features, skin color, tastes, abilities, and experiences.

We are all human beings and God made us completely equal in genetics and and biology! There is no such thing as white supremacy or "favored races," as Darwin titled his infamous book about evolution. God sees us as humans with his own design for variation in skin color.

We need to get past this ridiculous concept of superiority. I do not deny that "racism" exists, and it is a sin of the first order. It goes against God's own hand and work.

It is sin like any other sin, and must be eschewed.

I believe God loves the different nations, the various tribes and families of the world. He loves them all and wants them to believe in Jesus!

The book of Revelation, the end of time, mentions the nations in heaven and in the millennium. The nations will be diverse and lovely under Christ's reign on earth. He's not doing away with skin color. How absurd to even think such things.

We celebrate our lovely national diversity, our customs, our tastes, our styles! We have different values, different homelands! We are a colorful and wonderful creation of God, all seven billion or more of us. Let's get over this "race" thing, PLEASE!

God is the equalizer. We are all of value to Him. To Him we each have an eternal soul that is of infinite value. He gave us this distinction. We have mind, will, and emotion----that is the soul. It is an eternal creation.

Our bodies are merely the vessels for the soul, and we all long for the day when our bodies will be pain free and glorified! Those who have been born of the spirit have this wonderful promise of hope.

If you have any racist ideas or thoughts you need to repent. Ask the LORD of hosts to forgive you and to help you get over that sin of ideology. It's wrong, damaging, and very insidious. Check your thoughts daily, bringing evil thoughts about pride or superiority captive as the Bible directs. Don't let the devil tempt you to practice his own favorite sin----pride.

I know there are thoughts of racial superiority among the women in the jail. It was mentioned to me once. I know I need to address this, and I pray I can firmly speak to the sin of racism that pervades our evolution-tainted society.

I'm going to bring my book "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life." I want to show them that Charles Darwin had the wrong idea from the start.

I want to be able to show my dear women that they are valued by God as they were created, souls that matter to the God of the universe. I want them to know that Satan has devised ranks of superiority from the beginning. It's something he understands as a one-time archangel. It means a lot to him and he's successfully hoodwinked the human race into swallowing such lies whole.

Please pray for me as I seek to undo any damage that may have been done last night.

The Gospel is for all peoples, nations, countries, tribes, and families. Skin color doesn't figure in the equation.

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