"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, December 17, 2018

More Convinced Than Ever...

It takes a moment with a young person to clarify battle stations sometimes. I had an interesting conversation with a young person who truly seeks truth. Unfortunately  this person has been confused by conflicting ideas and the result is a tenuous spiritual stance.

We are at war.

I read an article about the weapons manufactured in the USA, bought by the Saudis, and used on the Yemenites. War is ugly. It's been around since Cain and Abel, well, actually before that with the spiritual realm.

We are at war.

I received a sweet Christmas card from old friends in Germany. They are bemoaning the situation in Europe right now. "Everyone is getting to see things as black and white....it's really quite gray!" they said.

No, no it's not gray. Sides are clarifying. Gray is clearly fading toward black or white. There is no pure gray. You cannot sit on the fence.


Jesus is very polarizing. You either believe in Him and His claims, his truths, his way, or you choose another path, another "truth," another way.

Because, as you see, Jesus is either the Way, the Truth, and the Life, or He is not. It's all or nothing.

I see my own dear ones lured into the web of gray/black. It's so easy to see it.

Fundamentalist Bible Believers, sometimes dubbed "Evangelicals," are the bad guys. You know it! The comments on social media threads, whether Twitter, Facebook, Google+, are all anti-Fundamentalist. You've seen it.

It's PC to be anti fundie.

Fundamentalists can be of various stripes, but usually the term means someone who believes in the fundamentals of Scripture. Since the existentialist and liberal drift away from Scriptural authority, especially in the 1930's and the onset of WWII, there has been a successful campaign to undercut the Bible's veracity.

I've been there too. Who likes to believe about what God says He is in the Bible? One must believe and accept, not fashion a god one prefers.

My debates with atheists always descend into a tirade (by the atheist) about the mean, (blankety-blank) Person that is also known as the God of the Bible. The argument is so old it's tiresome.

(Why do I ever engage, anyway? We are commanded to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone, no exceptions, whatever the cost or result. After we share we are off the hook. Whatever seed or cultivation happens to be planted or nurtured is up to the Holy Spirit.)

As we see these sides clarifying, drawing apart, we must gravitate toward one or the other.

Jesus must be coming soon. The ranks are thinning out. The power of God is so evident in the lives of those who belong to Him. Satan is waging deceptive tactical warfare in the spiritual realm and he is certainly gaining some successes.

Harry Potter has lured millions into the occult. Meditation techniques and yoga have hoodwinked billions into the New Age.

The Bible is no longer the authority for this age, providing a moral code. People mock those that are converting to Christianity world-wide. It's so heartbreaking to hear the vitriol, but we can't be too surprised at it.

Jesus, our HOPE, our redeemer and savior, is poised to grab us away from this mess and God will mete out His judgment on the earth. This is a seven-year period, and it surely must be about to commence.

Those of you who know me, read my blog, and care even a little about what I am saying----make your peace with God! Time is short. I've been saying this for decades now, and I won't quit. Life isn't worth living without Jesus, and all we have is hope in Him.

Nothing else.

Nothing else.

I am convinced of nothing else but Christ.

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