"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Height of Harvest

I am chilled by the cool air of late August, fair time. I sit on my green-leaf encased porch and listen to the wind rattle the branches so heavily laden with fruit and leaves. It's a quiet time of year, and I think of the changes next week brings.

The kitchen counters are full of ripening tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. There are lettuces and chard in the garden, also bulging beets and turnips. The carrots remain disappointingly scrawny. We discovered a healthy volunteer acorn squash down by the compost pile. It's full of squash and blossoms.

The raspberries are miserly this year. Could it be the presence of the iridescent green beetle that walks the stalks?

Plums are still green, and the crab apples disappointingly small.

So much yield for some things, so little for others.

I am taking deep breaths as I seek to memorize this day of golden coolness. I want it in my mind as the winter snows hamper my goings from here to there. I love snow, I love the coziness of being home in the season of long, dark nights, but life goes on, and snow can be inhibiting.

The cats demand to be out day and night. I have a hard time refusing them. I know they must be in for most of the winter.

School. I have real peace about it today. Ask me in a week...

Yes, I will continue to work at the hotel, substitute teach at the public school, and pursue my degree at the State University. I have given myself permission to begin a new season of life, and I know that it is just a season, as all things are.

Cherie and I will begin classes tomorrow, so she begins her college career tomorrow---a new season, as well.

Ed starts next week.

Naturally we are thinking of this, and this alone, for the most part. I have an incredible sense of peace that God is in control of all of this, orchestrating things according to His plan.

That is reassuring.

We know that no matter what comes we have Job's example in Scripture: God allowed it for His purposes, for His glory, for His good.

No one must follow God. Most choose not to. Those of us who do see His blessing in every leaf, fruit, and sunbeam.

He provides, He directs, He closes and opens doors.
God is good, always.

Happy Harvest!

Be sure to scroll down for my new (asked for) columns on obeying what Christ commands us. 

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