"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, August 16, 2019

Speak Up!

It struck me a few days ago that there are so FEW of us that make a ruckus about the times we are living in.

I guess there are so few of us that feel we can risk our "reputation" for sanity...

These are times like no other, times prophesied, crazy times. These are the times when good is evil and evil is good. These are the times when things seem spinning out of control if you watch any national media source.

It's easier to mind one's own business, right?

I know (for a fact) that most people I know do NOT agree with me on everything. Should that stop anyone from speaking out? Are people afraid of dialogue?

I am an information processor. I've had to change my tack many times over my life, and I'm willing to share the journey. IF you can show me evidence that seems logical and rational and in accord with my Biblical worldview you MAY convince me...

This boat can still be maneuvered.

I am not phased by the winds of apostasy today. I knew they were coming. I have one solid foundation, and that is Jesus Christ alone: not the church, not an author, not a preacher (but of course I gain much from all of those!)

I am unable to research enough to back up everything I believe, so I rely on the Holy Spirit to direct me from Scripture regarding MOST things. Is something "off?" Is something odd? Does my spirit resonate in some way regarding something?

I've written so much about testing the spirits. We know that you can do this, and we can stand on the Word of God regarding any spirit. This is the test: does this spirit agree with the Word of God?

When I get the red light (and I do, often) I stop listening to that spirit.

Don't be afraid to ask God to reveal to you the nature of the spirit. He will help you, but you may not like the answer.

Several years ago a friend of mine had a Christian counselor who asked her to perform an Enneagram test. My friend is a brilliant researcher, a discerner, a strong believer. She did the research on this particular "test" and found that its origins were linked to the occult, to mysticism, to Islam.

She took the step to protest the use of this test, reported it to the counselor and the counseling agency, and raised the flag on the use of it. Bless her! The counselor's eyes were opened to the demonic nature of this activity.

Wouldn't you know it? Satan wormed his way into the church with this little innocuous looking "test."

Most of the (several) people I know who have taken this test I believe would NEVER actively oppose Jesus. I think they are all people who love Him. I think that these dear ones have been deceived.

I think that the church is full of people who do not do the deep research, do not discern, do not question something that is appearing to help.

But we must.

Have you been deceived? I have. I admit it. It's good to admit it and get on with your life, following Christ daily. It's okay to admit it. It's cleansing and freeing to admit it.

In this age of apostasy (the great falling away) predicted for the last days by the Scriptures we have to expect that there will be wolves among the sheep.

Let's admit that we are ALL sheep----not a flattering thing, but truth.  We all need to be looking to the Shepherd to understand and avoid the dangers that plague us!

Satan's time is running out. He's going into that abyss for 1,000 years, and he's going to make every effort to take as many of us with him to hell as he can.

He knows Scripture better than you or I do.

It's time to start to speak up. You can do it quietly at first, but take a stand, and don't let your loved ones perish without your warning.

It's hard, but it's necessary.

Speak Up!

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