"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

First Post on my New Computer

I've been working with a Chrome Book for the last few years, not thinking I needed a computer for my blogging. Sometimes I pondered the storage aspect, but it really didn't matter.

Last fall, my first semester in graduate school, I learned that I had to do voice over recorded power point presentations for two of my classes! My Chrome Book didn't have that capability, so my BIG Christmas present this year was a new/used thinkpad.

I confess that getting a new device always throws me for a loop, but we must keep up.

Here we go!

If you have read the previous post by Geri Ungurean with Thomas Littleton's letter I urge you to think about what is really happening within "the Church" to prepare for the takeover of the Anti-Christ.

People who promote "Social Justice" (as I heard recently---watch out when ANY word qualifies Justice!) are being duped into the global scheme by the Prince of the Power of the Air himself.

I have been sounding the warnings here on Corgi Hollows for YEARS, but even so people I knew and know have been sucked into the whole movement, lock, stock, and barrel.

There comes a time when only prayer can have any impact on the closed hearts and ears of those who will not hear.

I'm learning that. It's such a hard lesson. You want to shake people, but you can't.

We've all been taken in by the people named in the article, some more than others.So much of the shibboleth is spoken that we assume the best.

It's like Brownies with feces baked into them.

You can't see it, but it is there, and you know it's terrible for you.

WATCH OUT, Children.

The hyper-grace movement, which does not believe in repentance, has hijacked most of post modern Christianity. I know this personally. It's shocking that so many so-called believers do not believe in obeying the commands of Christ.

The evangelical church in America and Europe is cavorting down the yellow brick road toward abortion, Islam, homosexuality, and globalism.

Blindness. Blindness.

Bastions of evangelicalism are weakened with compromise on the tenets of the faith: Biblical inerrancy, infallibility, holiness.

We see the fruit of such thinking as our society turns against God and welcomes/legitimizes sin.

Sin. Paganism. Occultism. Murder.

Once those were horrifying words.

No longer. The church has embraced them.

Come out from her, Oh my people! Come out and live!

Believe me, dear ones. I'm studying globalism for a degree right now. Peter Drucker and his influence is beyond belief: an atheist/communist who has tainted the church and the entire structure of public institutions as we know them.

The agenda to take over the world has been achieved right under our noses.

I'm not kidding, and I'm not overstating. We are on the cusp of a global order, global religion, global society.

Look up, our blessed hope is Christ's glorious appearing, and it cannot be far off.

Love those you meet, those lost. Love those who are deceived. They will not listen to you. They will argue if you try to warn them.They are lost unless the Holy Spirit transforms them.

Those dear ones in your family and your church who have no clue that they are entirely immersed in a globalist cabal----pray for them.

Share Littleton's article with them. Maybe it will let a crack of light in.

Praying with you. 

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