"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Navigating Wait Time

I said to Margaret the other day that I'd seen a prophecy update on YouTube that I thought was worth watching, but when I started it the speaker said "It's January 23-----" and I turned it off because it was already too old.

Do you realize how quickly everything is coming together? Convergence, pace, events, are all so fast that we are practically left in the dust! The swirl of prophetic events is all around us.

Earthquakes (and volcanoes)
Political Instability
Spiritual Apathy

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse are certainly saddling up.

As I am sucked in to the impeachment trial for President Donald Trump I must always remind myself that GOD IS IN CONTROL.

I'm interested in this "Q" or Kew component, and I'm following it on Twitter.

I see many apparently faithful people excited about corruption meeting its just desserts.

I, too, hope for this. I am hopeful that God will bring about justice even now.

I also do not trust the cabal of the global elite. They really do have a measure of power, under the prince of the power of the air, and they are not easily thwarted as they set up their prophesied coming new world order.

We know that they will have their heyday.

I also see people who will blink at the past evil of the Democrat party in their blind hatred of Donald Trump. That pushes me more toward Trump than anything else. To see them mock a pro-life, pro-Israel, anti-globalist agenda is more than I can take.

I am all of those, and most of the "evangelical" crowd is just that. What are our options?

President Donald Trump could come out of the closet as an ardent member of the Illuminati Jesuit Cabal, and I wonder if the faithful would still follow him.

I wouldn't.

I support him as long as he fights corruption in the Deep State and apparently combats globalism. We have been lulled into believing that things can come out good---but they cannot. We know prophecy, and we know that horrible times are ahead.

It is our task to warn people that this time of trial is coming, to place their trust in Jesus and follow Him. He is the only hope that there is.

So we wait and watch the proceedings with interest. Will justice be served here and now? Will it wait for the divine King of Kings to settle this?

Jesus is the LORD of heaven and earth. He is the King of Kings.

Those that believe Lucifer is that king will be sorely disappointed. Can we trust the Word of God or not? I say we can trust it. It has been fully reliable and true from cover to cover. His Word is our measurement of all things.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. John 1:1

As prophesied events unfold we can look to the Word of God with more confidence than ever.

I do not know Donald Trump. I don't know if he has repented and put his faith in Jesus. I hope so. I hope VP Mike Pence has done so as well. I know several Bible-believers have confidence in the faith of some of our politicians and lawmakers. I hope they do have saving faith.

Saving faith. What is it?

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Acts 16:31
Repent, therefore, and be converted. Acts 3:19
Open the door, and I (Jesus) will come in. Rev. 3:20
Follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Matt. 4:19
Do not conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...Rom.2:12
Christ, resurrected---1 Cor 15:14-21
Be born again. John 3:7

Affirm these things in your heart and mind. They will transform you into a new creature, a spiritual being with eternal life in Christ. This is the truth sent from above.

When you trust the Almighty He will keep you, guard you, through all of the horrors that you face. Death will not have the victory over you.

So rest easy, dear ones, in the Lord of life.

I've been through deep waters over the past few years. When you have five children you are always facing some trial or tribulation directly or indirectly. The stress leaks over into the lives of others close to you. That is when you band together in prayer and faith that God will overcome this trouble! He does!

I went to three funerals in January. Death comes, and it is hard. All three were hard. To know that Jesus is your savior is to meet hardship gracefully. It is appointed for men to die, but there is no victory in the death of a believer. The victory is that the loved one is with Jesus in glory forever.

That is where we all want to be. Jesus, come soon! Maranatha.

My granddaughter was born last week and she is beautiful. My daughter in law has suffered some complications, so I appreciate your prayers for her. It's stressful, but we KNOW who has her in His everlasting hands.

Lord, we believe! Help our unbelief! We trust in you, even through the deepest waters. You are with us, helping us, encouraging us, holding us.

Corgi Hollows News: Our prophecy tea was last Sunday. We did not do a Bible study this time (NEXT TIME, for sure!) because we talked about current events and what is happening in the world.

School has started, both my teaching and my grad school. I am thankful for a more balanced schedule all around. I've had trouble getting into my (rather) dry classes on evaluation and human resources, but I think they will soon become more interesting as I become more familiar with the subjects.

I got a wonderful situation as the librarian at the elementary school, and I can read to my heart's content. I'm probably going to have this position until the end of the school year. God is SO good!

The animals are okay. The white cat shows signs of stress, too much grooming of his leg. We keep thinking he will stop, but he doesn't. The other pets are healthy and sassy. I'm praying for our cat to "chill" and heal. We've been trying different salves and sprays, all to no avail.

Corgi Hollows is quiet after our frenzied holidays with our dear guests from Germany. I'm getting back to swimming at the Y and my bones and muscles and HEAD thank me. Pain is something I live with every day, but there are days when it dictates my activity.

Self-care sounds so selfish, but I realize that if you don't frame it in a form of self-discipline you will suffer and pay the price of pain and sickness. Taking time for vitamins, exercise, rest, and fresh air is really mandatory.

Cheri and I put the Christmas decorations away last weekend. We finally had a moment. January birthdays have been celebrated (my dad turned 93!) and we are looking for Spring.

My husband finally got one of the cars running. One of the housekeepers at the hotel commented on Cheri's driving the big 12 passenger van to school and work----"That's just got to change!"

Well, maybe tomorrow after the alignment is done....!

Next up is Ed's Buick. It needs major work, so this may take awhile to get it running again. It is a relief to have even one more vehicle back in service. Old cars are the bane of our existence! We are daily learning lessons in gratitude.

It's fun that Ed and Jim, my older (second) son, have a class together at the University this semester! They get to sit together in lecture twice a week. Jim and his wife are all moved into their new home, and my grandson is doing great! We all got together on New Year's with Heidi and Paul, our German friends.

Margaret has big plans again. No, she's not hiking the Pacific Crest Trail again (though she said she'd do it again this summer in a heartbeat!) She's heading out east this summer for a summer job.

My oldest son Joe, and his wife, and new daughter will be facing a HUGE transition this year. They are moving back home to Minnesota. I CAN'T WAIT.

God is good all the time.   

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