"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Qualifying Justice

Recently I read an article where it warned of any use of a qualifier before the word justice.

I've been thinking about that.

Justice is pure and almost holy. Justice is the rightful answer to both good and bad. God is just, perfect justice, and since we are created in His image we have a keen sense of what it means to be just. Ask any two-year-old.

Lately we have seen some ridiculous ideas of perverted justice.

I'm thinking about a case in nearby Iowa where a man tore down a LGBT flag from a church. He got sentenced: ten years in prison.

I'm thinking about a artist who decided to say no to someone who asked for him to bake a wedding cake. His entire business was ruined.

I'm thinking about a florist who also chose to say no to participating in a wedding and ended up in hundreds of thousands dollars of costs to defend herself.

I'm thinking about the tiny life inside the womb whose only crime was to exist ---tortured to death.

Think about the past and the holocaust. Think about Rwanda. Think about Africa! Think about the horrors of the French Revolution. Think about the Inquisition. So much injustice.

True justice matches a crime with an appropriate punishment. Lying should never be as severely punished as rape. Our hearts and conscience tell us that, but so do Scriptures. There is no justification to lie, but the damages may or may not be as devastating. Justice is rightful punishment.

Treason should be punished. Murder----punished.

Lately we have been hearing the term SOCIAL justice. A qualified justice.

Social justice seeks to upend true justice. Social justice gives a man guilty of destroying a symbolic piece of property heavy punishment. Social justice ends up stealing from rightful justice.

Social justice takes away.

Watch out for social justice. What your heart, your Bible, and your conscience will inform you about justice is completely upended in that qualifier. 

Social justice comes first for the unborn, second for the aged. Then it comes for the unwanted, the not useful, the one it doesn't agree with.

Social justice is a pariah, yet it is here to stay at the behest of the elitist mob who seeks to rule the earth. Social justice is just another name for injustice.

Stop qualifying justice and seek it. You will find horrifying things, but you will see the loving mercy of God as well. This is the God we seek as He is.

Love one another. Care for the poor. Love your enemy. Seek mercy. Live as Christ, obeying His commands. Show that you love him and obey his commands whatever the cost.

Lucifer thinks he can defeat the One who created him. Despite his unearthly knowledge he has the false notion that he will win. He won't. No matter the cost, he won't.

He is the great Deceiver and the father of lies. "Social Justice" is a lie from his abode, hell. He turns real justice into injustice.

Wake up, fellow watcher! We are in the last days, and they will come for us. Stand your ground on the Word of God.

Recently I had a conversation where someone insisted on twisting bits of Scripture into heretical ideas. That will happen. Satan knows Scripture better than you do!

This is where a heart filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit is so important. Yes, we have Scripture, all of Scripture, that balances and weighs every word, story, and example. The commands are for specific times and places. Most apply to us today! We must be in continual study and meditation on the truth revealed in the Bible. It is the only way to fight the devil.

The Sword of the Lord----The sword of the spirit, the sword of the Word, all are at our hand to defend us. Trust in the Lord.

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