"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, January 10, 2020


I have had a "quiet" week filled with appointments and organization. I feel that I have been racing around the house, fast puttering, really, and trying to get in line for classes to begin on Monday. I've still got quite a bit to get waylaid, and I will not be totally ready for houseguests this weekend. They are good friends, and understand...

I've had a week of sadness, as well, as my friend grieves the loss of her husband.

We are all watching for the eternal bridegroom to appear for us, his bride, and that is what keeps us going and gives us hope.

The Messiah is coming.

Why does all of humanity wait for the Messiah?

Because it is in our hearts.

God gave Himself, a sacrifice, for our sins that we may be with Him forever.

Why would anyone choose hell?

Blessed Hope
Titus 2:13

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