"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Opportunity Abounds

We are all affected adversely by this pandemic of corona virus.

That's a fact. Pestilence will probably lead to famine, as Bible prophecy indicates, and we're at the beginning of this trend.

Earthquakes, pestilence, famine. Three biggies for end-times folk.

Saying "end-times" sort of implies that it is the end of the world, but it isn't. We are coming to the end of the church age. This is the end of the church age. We're living the book of Jude right now. It's one chapter, go read it again.

It's the penultimate book of the Bible, right before the Revelation of John the Apostle.

Revelation will help anyone in the next stage of unfolding prophecy. Those not taken in the catching away (1 Thess. 4) can go back to read in Revelation how things will pan out next.

For us, we're still in Jude.

This is an opportunity for those of us that have been given a grace period before we see Jesus, an opportunity to tell that last loved one that they need to repent. I believe in repentance. I also believe you should be baptized, but that is not necessary for salvation. I believe that you need to ask Jesus to forgive you, believe in your heart, and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. Do you believe that He died for your sins and that he rose from the grave, bodily?

That appears to be an integral part of the Christian faith, but you wouldn't know that necessarily these days. The Gospel has been watered down and perverted with false doctrines.

I urge you to just go to the Scriptures and read for yourself. The Bible is trustworthy, reliable, and God says it is true. His word is true. Just have faith and believe that.

Here is your opportunity: You have 95% of the entire world scared stiff right now because they are afraid of getting the corona virus. Fear is VERY powerful.

The Bible tells us not to fear. Many, many times. "Fear not, or do not fear," is in the Word of God 365 times. I didn't verify that myself, but I read that and I believed the source. That's one time per day of the year.

God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of sound mind and wisdom.

Let's use our sound mind and overcome the fear that is plaguing the globe today.  Let's offer the peace of not fearing to our friends and family (even some believers!!!) who are crippled by fear.


Jesus is our ONLY hope, and this is the KEY to overcoming fear. Put your faith and trust in Him and DO NOT FEAR. 

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