"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, October 19, 2020

Four Months

 Brian has been with Jesus four months. 

These four months have been excruciating. Even now my heart beats irregularly, my breath comes hard, and I feel like just giving up daily. 

Is this depression, or "just" grief? I'm guessing the latter. 

In the midst of all of this Covid-19 has made its mark on all of us, for worse, and we are just plain tired. As the next wave of positive tests begins to incite fear and trembling in the populace we expect more death, more posturing by the Globalists. Covid-19 is the perfect foil for world domination. The grand experiment is on, and the sheeple obey their puppeteers. 

School is hard for all of us. Work is a chore. The skies are gray today, and the snow is coming. 

And there's this election coming up.

I've given up on ever seeing eye to eye with those that vote for abortion. I just cannot understand, nor do I want to understand their callous disregard for life.

God hates human sacrifice, the shedding of innocent blood. 

This is a mockery of Christ's death on the cross, his blood for our sins. 

Pagans are good at copying God. They turn every ritual into a mockery of God's ways, even the sacrifice part. Their rituals have limited power (Satan does have power) and they persist in denying the Creator of the Universe through them. 

Those who vote for this monstrous practice must answer to God. WE are all accountable to God, for how we think, how we act, even how we vote.

There is only one option on the ballot for Americans this year, and it is Donald Trump. To vote for Joe Biden is to vote for corruption and murder.

Biden is not fit to serve. He is a crook. 

As we are offended by those who mock God and persist in wrong-think it became clear to me that I was offensive in my own stance. We all offend. Some of us want to be kindly convincing, but we end up just offending. Truth can be very offensive, according to Scripture. The one that doesn't care for the Truth will inevitably be offended. 

And we have to accept that. We must love our enemies, love each other, forgive, and keep on. 

Keep calm and carry on...

The truth, for me, about deep grief, is that the silliness of pretentious desires and superficial relationships comes into sharp focus. They don't matter. They never did, but grief makes us starkly aware of who and what REALLY matters. 

The flitting butterfly has risen to the jet stream.

People who do not see eye-to-eye cannot appease the soul.

I like to think of the phrase "kindred spirits" made popular by "Anne of Green Gables." Kindred spirits matter when life on earth comes undone. 

And others really don't. 

It sounds harsh, but it's the truth. Every soul matters to God, but it becomes clear that those who do not seek after God's own heart can offer little comfort, little sustenance for a shocked and grief torn heart. 

So those who matter will give the deepest help and comfort, those who never did fade out of focus. 

Grief does that. 

It is the lens of truth in relationship and meaning.

So, if you seek depth of relationship, depth of meaning---seek the deepest friendships in Christ. He is the only one who can give a lasting, loving friendship. 

Politics will divide. Satan will divide. Sin will divide.

Only Jesus will unite hearts that are broken. Only relationships that are firmly anchored in faith in Christ can give the deepest comfort. 

The hope that is in Christ Jesus is the only hope. When you have it, you have everything you need.  You can withstand the darkest nights and the deepest pain. 

But it costs. 

The Holy Spirit is the One who convicts. Can you ask Him to open your heart and soul to absolute truth and the deepest joy? He alone can initiate that transaction, but you need to humble yourself before God, repent, and ask Him for His forgiveness for your sin. 

Enter into the life eternal. Don't wait! 

Rapture comes soon! 


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