"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 As the mainstream media will not share the information about the deals with Russia, China, and Ukraine that the treasonous, sell-out Biden family has brokered we all need to band together and pass this info on.

There are people who claim to be believing Christians who are voting for this crook. I can only believe that they are deceived, because I do not want to believe that they support such criminal activity.

These new laptop revelations have only enforced the foundation of the corrupt left. The left is corrupt. 

And this article isn't about Trump.

(But I will defend him. He's been attacked relentlessly since before he took office, attacked by the evil people who love to sacrifice human life.  Even if he is corrupt, he has surrounded himself with the very ones the evil left hates: Pence, Pompeo, DeVoss, Carter... ... This is telling, revealing, and an absolute nail in the coffin for the evil leftist worldview.)

Leftists are evil. They are fascist liars, bent on destroying free speech, freedom of conscience, liberty, and freedom of religion. They hate Biblical Christianity. 

Namby-pamby Christianity in Name Only is just fine for the left. 

I once had a talk (about 20 years ago) with someone who claimed to be a believer. He calmly argued against legislating Christian morals. 

"But you can't do that," he repeated. 

I said, "Why not?" 

Christian morality is the most tolerant policy any country has ever tried. 

We adopt God's moral code: (See the Ten Commandments, especially the last 5 for secular legislation) The first five are for Christians, especially, but they bless nonbelievers as well) 

Christianity birthed a tolerant constitutional republic with maximum personal liberty, America.

And the Left hates that. The left is a movement of destruction, tearing down, hate. 

I have been hated by the left for quite some time. I'm used to it. Being hated is par for the course for any Bible Believer. 

It took getting used to, but now I run with it. 

Now that my husband is with Jesus I have no desire to be anywhere else but with Jesus, too. 

Are you ready for persecution? 

If Trump can hold off the immoral, antichrist globalists for four more years----then another conservative president after that...perhaps we can keep our tolerant freedoms for some time. 

But I don't think so. I think that the horse has left the barn, and we have one hope: Jesus. 

The Rapture of the church is what I am looking for, waiting for, and anticipating. 

Until then we serve Christ, love others, (particularly our enemies), watch for wolves in sheep's clothing, and focus on Scripture and what it teaches us about the last days. Tell the Gospel. Evangelize. Watch. Stand firm. Wait. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. 

Compromise leads to destruction, so don't compromise. 

You have moral failures (as everyone on earth does). Stop making excuses for them and repent. Turn from your prideful attitudes against God. 

Jesus died for those very sins that you think God cannot overcome. Humble yourself. 

Stop confusing the issues! 

I believe there are some people who just cannot bring themselves to commit to Christ or Biblical Christianity. They just don't like parts of Scripture! They debate and argue and make excuses, they compromise God's truth. 

You needn't answer to anyone but God. 

You are accountable to Him. And don't argue with someone who has a blinded mind, just preach. It's useless to try and convince a spiritually blind soul. Only the Holy Spirit can open spiritual eyes. 



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