"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, April 2, 2010

We are trying!!

Misty met George yesterday, and as of now she has played hard to get. We so want Corgi puppies to happen, but it's out of our control. These things just have to happen naturally!
Misty is a two year old gorgeous tri color registered purebred Welsh Pembroke Corgi from a sheep farm in Nebraska. She herds several kids, loves her family mightily.
Thanks to Tasha Tudor she joined our family 2 years ago. She is a dream come true!

Her animal sibs are a Black Lab mix, named Blackberry, and a sleek black cat with a marshmallow named Kiwi.

George is a typical sable/white Corgi male. Very sweet, very cute.

When he got here he marked the entire yard, including the back of our beehive! Courageous fellow.

I have lots to share on knitting, honey, health, home schooling, books, and OPINIONS. This is a start. Welcome to Corgi Hollows, and come again soon.

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