"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, February 7, 2011

Black and White

The other day I had coffee with a good friend, and she made a comment about an issue not being "black and white." 
I have to say that my world is pretty black and white.  Some may say that makes me  intellectually challenged.  I would say that if the world isn't that way to you, you haven't thought through the issues deeply enough!  My grey areas are the ones I haven't decided on yet.
Most areas are clearly one of two things: right/wrong, beautiful/ugly, good/bad, clear/indistinct, present/past, complex/simple.
I have been reading a little book on Philosophy I got at Borders the other day.  I bought it because my son is taking Philosophy at the local community college, and I thought the book's helpful summaries would clarify some of the best known avenues of philosophy for him.  He hasn't read it much yet (too busy with other reading!), but I have enjoyed reading about some of the great thinkers from recorded history.  I've also had to ask myself which camp I fall into: realist, rationalist, idealist, pragmatist....
Since most of the Philosophical worldviews fall clearly outside the Biblical one it's pretty easy to eliminate the majority.
My world is black and white.  I use the Holy Bible to direct my life.  There are 10 commandments to structure my values.  There are helpful injunctions to guide my daily life.  Christ's teachings and commands have taught me how to be fruitful.
Love, and forgive. Help people. Die for what is truth.
As a believer who has asked God to forgive her I have entered a different universe of spiritual versus physical.  Because I became a Christian at such a young age it took me years to understand how very different life is without Christ.  My universe is White.  People who don't know Christ live in the Black one.  They are simply unable to experience the depth and understanding of Scripture that I can.  They are spiritually blind.  Dark. 
I will not apologize for living a transformed life.  I am a human being that is no better than any other.  Weak, fallen, prone to wander.
But my universe is different from yours, if you have not repented of your sin and chosen to believe in Christ.  I experience Christ's great love daily.  His plan for me is to prosper me and not to harm me.  He gives me a hope and a future.  My soul will never die.
Have you heard this before?
I'm looking out the window at deep snow, winter trees, and shadows.  My world is black and white.

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