"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, February 21, 2011


The character quality that we looked at last week was Forgiveness. Most interesting to me was its opposite: Rejection.
How many people have I not forgiven because I have rejected them? For me people are easy to reject. I admit it. If someone hurts me, looks down on me, despises me, dismisses me, misunderstands me, offends me, chooses a different path, (and so on) it is easy for me to move on---and reject them!
But what would Christ do? He has already forgiven whomever. What an example to me! I may have strong ideas that tend to polarize (as most people do, really) but I am not allowed to reject anyone. Anyone. I am commanded to love and forgive.
So I am sorry. I am sorry I have rejected so many. I ask to be forgiven even as I extend more forgiveness.

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