"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Biblical Christians

"The only way Biblical Christians today can survive without going all ghettoish is to remind ourselves that every doctrine we live and teach has been boringly normal across the centuries of Church history. It's only the hirelings of our own time who call these doctrines monstrous"

--Tim Bayly

I described myself recently to a group of women as a "Biblical Christian." Isn't it funny to think that we must now qualify our religious label?

But we must.

Christianity, thankfully, is professing Christ Jesus as God.

What can be so difficult about that?

Well it seems to be. I once had a discussion with someone I thought I knew pretty well, and we discovered that our faith views were in fact miles apart.  Yet we both call ourselves Christian.

We all know denominational differences, but I'm talking about the deeper stuff: division versus unification.

Doctrine is fascinating, and somehow we believers find each other in this maze of theological difference. Doctrine matters. Like Tim Bayly said, reassuringly, it has survived millenniums of skepticism and criticism.  Biblical Doctrine, that is.

Take heart. Christ Jesus has overcome the World. Our divisions will no longer matter when we see His face.

In the meantime, please read your Bible. :)

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