"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


I have Corwyn on a leash in the house. It frustrates her, but it is the classic way to train a puppy---constant vigilance.

Frequent visits to the outdoors, time for a snack, do a command, reward---back to the crate. Her freedom slowly wanes.

It all makes for a nicer dog, though, and I'm happy to spend the time. She is so smart! She sits on command already, and she is so tiny still!

Growing fast.

As we all do. Sometimes we just gain weight!
But let's hope we actually grow in wisdom and strength of the most important things.

I was so convicted by the little discipline book we read last summer. Perhaps that's why I was able to make such a life change in January, going back to work, changing my lifestyle completely.

I think it had an effect. Discipline requires everything, total commitment. It's full-time training.

Getting up at five each day before work to get my Bible reading time in was a loss of time on the night-owl side of me. I couldn't keep my eyes open after nine.

Corwyn is now in her crate at nine each night, too. She understands that it is bedtime and there is no argument.

As a home-school mom I'm aware of the flexibility of schedules and hours. I think that is one of its strengths. As we launch our kids into jobs and formal education they are more grateful for the freedom they HAD and are much more prepared to take on the disciplined lifestyle.

It's all in the training.

Cherie has become a runner, cross country and track. She is learning the power of discipline too. More running usually helps the meet outcomes. It takes discipline to get out there everyday and run some. She's learning.

She's training.

Of all my children she has had to be the most disciplined in childhood. I hope the best for her.

I have five children, all completely individuals, all different in manner, personality, and habits. They are all delightful, and precious. God has blessed me. They have all had their battles, their defeats. They have come far, and I'm thankful that each of them believes the Bible and follows Christ.

That is the only thing that really matters.

Someone asked me recently about my "unschooling" tendency as a home-school mom. I was very careful to have our daily Bible time. I read Scripture, Bible stories, Daily Bread, Daily Light, One-Year Bible, Bill Gothard's materials (which are EXCELLENT! Don't let his failures keep you from the materials he produced!), and whatever spiritual book that happened to be current and appropriate----OUT LOUD. Not all at once, but as the Spirit led. We had hours to do it. The math, science, and anything else came later, second.

We prayed together every day. Mostly I prayed. They rarely wanted to. That was okay by me. As a mother I had the obligation to train them in knowing Christ, but they had to make the decisions for themselves. There are no grandchildren in the Kingdom of Heaven. Isn't that a truth?

I kept telling them that nothing but Christ really matters. This life is cursory. It's the next life that matters. I told them that my only goal for them was to know Christ.

Yes. Training.

And did they succeed at life? Did these methods of training work?

Well, yes. So far. Three of them are dean's list academics. One had a four-year complete scholarship to Concordia College, Moorhead. Two have published novels. One is a successful army officer, another a successful army reserves officer. Two are happily married! They are all musicians, playing various instruments. All five can draw, write, and sing. They all cook. Four have jobs that pay well. Three are college graduates.

They are compassionate, sweet, fun, loving individuals, and I just have so much gratefulness to God for allowing me to be their mom. God is so good.

And I give all the glory to HIM, as He put it on my heart to train them.

So, Corwyn gets her puppy training.  Just another day at Corgi Hollows.

May you commit your life and your self discipline to Jesus Christ.

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