"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Cancer---and the End

As Ed completes, wraps up, his leukemia treatment we wait with baited breath the true outcome of chemotherapy and his entire treatment.

I've had to explain this whole blood cancer thing so many times that I sort of understand the whole concept behind cancer of the blood.

Blood cells are manufactured in the bone marrow. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (which Ed has) is where the white blood cells over-produce. Basically. The cancer cells are in the blood, and the blood is rushing all over the body.

You can't just see the tumor, the cells. You take samples of blood and count various platelets, red blood cells, white blood cells. Cancer cells may or may not be hiding somewhere else.

So, after chemotherapy is administered for 3 years the hope is that ALL OF THOSE CANCER CELLS are GONE!

And time will tell.

Here he is, three years later, getting on with life.

It isn't the same for many. Even last night I got word that a dear friend's cancer is growing again. Treatments for her must ramp up again. My heart hurts over this, but I bring it to the LORD.

Nabeel Qureshi passed away last weekend. That story is just so hard to accept! He was 34, and such a bright light for Christ.

God has his plans. Cancer happens. It happens more and more, wouldn't you agree? Another friend was diagnosed just this week...

And you must ask yourself, "When is it my turn?"

Because the likelihood of getting cancer is on the rise. We all must face the possibility, the likelihood.

Ed is young. Cancer in youngsters is traumatic and heartbreaking.

Those of us who are upwards of 50 sort of expect it to happen. Am I not correct?

Our world is truly dying. Pollution, GMO's, Chemical contamination----(skies, pesticides, vaccines, cleaning agents) are all factors in our world. There is an argument for certain uses of these chemicals, but we wonder about the long-term effects and their devastating capabilities.

I'm a questioner.

I long for Christ to come and make it right.
Yes, I'm totally an escapist. I totally admit it. I'm proud of it. I can't wait for my LORD and SAVIOR to come and fix things.

He is the judge, and I realize that His patience with mankind has delayed his coming. I understand that. I am not as loving or patient as He is, and none of us are. I acknowledge that He waits for all to come to repentance.

But we all know that "they" won't. Rebellion against God is just the nature of mankind.

And HE has his timetable.

Those of us who have been watching for His return know all about the Feast of Trumpets and its significance with the Rapture of the Church. The first feasts were fulfilled in Christ's death on the cross and resurrection. The last feasts are signifying what is to come ---as Dwight Pentecost titled his classic book on Bible prophecy.

What is to come?

We know that those who are born again in the spirit will meet Jesus in the air. He will catch us up and take us away from the wrath of God that is about to fall on the earth.

You think Harvey, Irma, Maria are bad? The 6.0+ earthquakes that have ravaged the ring of fire these past few weeks? The horrible and devastating fires that burn the west?

Child's play. God's wrath is inconceivable. You won't want to be here, but most likely, if you are still here after the Rapture you have a 50% chance of dying by "natural" disaster.

You probably won't survive.

The Elite make their holes in defiance of God's wrath. They will literally "hole up" and then emerge (if possible) at the end of each episode.

This is all in Revelation, so if you study it you will see what is to come.

The End is near. It has been for centuries. If not the end of all things, certainly the end of your own life. No one is guaranteed a single day of life. We all hang in a balance in God's overall plan.

He is Sovereign.

And we must choose to put our lives in His hands.

Don't wait. Birth pangs have been epic these past few weeks. Birth pangs don't stop when the end is near. I open the news each day and find another cataclysmic occurrence. It isn't stopping.

These are not Braxton Hicks.

Get in the fold.

We talk about the signs in the heavens. God's signs all indicate His second coming is near. That means the Rapture of the Church is even nearer. It's like the Christmas decorations we see in the stores now: Christmas is coming, but we still have Halloween and Thanksgiving before that.

It's a good reminder that time is short.

Cancer is bad. It's awful and I hate it. But cancer isn't the real problem. The real issue is that time is short for all of us.

No one is excluded. 

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