"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Three Steps Forward...

This has been a stressful week.

Ed has got some sort of sinus infection and his counts are low enough to halt chemotherapy until a blood check can be done again.

I've had a few nights with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

It's what happens when you think the worst. I hide behind the normalcy of motherhood. Moms simply can't help but think all the options through, the hardest scenarios, and face them. I do. I think the worst, and pray for the BEST.

Everything is in God's hands, and I know this. I feel this. I understand this!

And yet this life is full of agonies.

He knows this. He had the worst of them.

Ed is trying to attend classes, trying to get to the bank to work, but his head hurts and he coughs too much. So many medications.

We have surgery scheduled to remove the port. It's coming up in just a week or so.

What if cancer isn't beaten?
Well, Ed is allergic to half of the chemotherapy drugs they used to cure it the first time. I can't help but think that a second go at curing cancer might be futile.

Ed is smart, funny, good-looking and full of good will. I am blessed to be his mom. I love him more than I can even express.

I am grateful.

Thanks for your prayers.

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