"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Wading Into the Deep

There is a heaviness in the atmosphere, and it's not the rain and gray clouds that are overhead.

Anyone who has access to media knows that football took center stage----over Israel, Syria, the Kurds, radical Islamic terrorism at a church in Tennessee, the earthquakes, the fires, the hurricanes---

Upside down, crazy, dark sadness.

We had a full weekend, and it was marvelous in our own little world at Corgi Hollows. Friends, family, birthday celebrations, church, good food (a wonderful Thai place in Maple Grove) cupcakes, cake, cake cake. We had the prophecy study, a boost to the spirit. I listened to Jan Markell and Michelle Bachmann's fascinating conversation on "Understanding the Times."

We live in our quiet joy.

But outside there is confusion.

You get on a slippery slope away from God's Moral Law and you have trouble finding footing again.

It literally takes a conversion to gain a firm foundation.

A word about the National Anthem nonsense: (I could go on!) As Sarah Huckabee said so succinctly, there is nothing wrong about defending the National Anthem, nor the pledge of Allegiance. I have my issues with the pledge, but the Anthem (as Garrison Keillor said recently) elicits feelings of gratefulness and warmth for the sacrifices made that we Americans all can live our lives in relative luxury compared to the rest of the entire world.

Should racism be acceptable? God forbid. I don't believe in race. The presence of melanin in skin should have zero consequence.

Cops should always arrest people for doing bad things, not because of who they are.

Come on, people, racism has recently blossomed because of Barack Obama. He became the spotlighter for something that had become passe. He reignited it, and Trump, who one must admit is no paragon, is hardly a racist. Accuse him all you want----his actions speak louder than his words.

I know Donald Trump is the second judgment on our nation----his debauchery (and I do believe in repentance and conversion!) follows him and his beautiful wife.

Your past will follow you, so watch your reputation, people. Have you been perverse? Homosexual? Gluttonous? Prideful? Lustful? Have you lied? Have you been greedy or envious?

Have you sinned? Watch out. Your reputation may never recover, as Donald Trump's hasn't.

He could have been anointed by Jesus Himself, right in front of you. Nothing will change the perception of Trump.

Sorry, folks. YOUR reputation matters.

There is one person I can think of who seems to have overcome her sordid past. Rosaria Butterfield.

She was a lesbian professor of women's studies at an eastern university. She became a Christian----total conversion. She renounced her homosexuality, and she is truly living for the LORD now.

I think people realize her change, her complete repentance. It's real.

Then there are those that continue to justify their sin before God. Revel in it. Deny His moral law. That is their choice, and we all live with that.

I'd love to believe that gluttony isn't a sin, and I could eat all the delicious cake I desire to. I'd like that kind of dispensation, too. But denying God's moral law is death to the soul.

You will go to hell if you believe you can be an unrepentant sinner and get to heaven.

So WAKE UP! Leave your homosexual life, your gluttony----whatever your sin is! Don't condone it. Don't excuse it. Don't go that path. It is the path of death.

Every single one of us struggles with human nature, sinful, fallen. I was born with it. You were born with it! That doesn't excuse it!

Jesus died for that reason! Don't call good evil, and evil good.

Don't try to twist Scripture into saying something it doesn't. God doesn't change. He is the same yesterday, today, forever.


Join the path of love and light. Join the path of forgiveness and spiritual power. Convert. See Jesus as He is----the LORD OF LORDS and KING OF KINGS, able to forgive, able to help, your advocate in heaven against eternal judgment.

And don't say sin is okay. It's not.

My friend who has cancer is deteriorating. It's hard for me to believe how quickly it's progressing. I'm sad today.

I know that should the next chemo treatment they are going to try doesn't work she will be with the Lord very soon. Her dad passed away a few weeks ago. We never imagined she might follow so soon.

Please pray for her. Pray for her pain, which is significant. Pray for peace as she faces the great divide between life on earth and eternity. She knows where she is going, but the process is hard.

Pray for the Rapture of the Church. Even so, Come LORD JESUS!

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