"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, September 25, 2017

September 23

Changes, people. We are seeing it.

Lucifer has his mind set on defeating believers, and he had this September 23 date in his sights for years. We always see a significant spiritual downturn after September 23 each year, and I believe especially this one.

People are beginning to wake up to the evil forces all around us, and how they deceptively influence us.

No two of us has had the same experiences physically nor spiritually and we cannot judge each other and our spiritual condition without a Biblical plumbline, but we CAN see the deception and the hook-line-and-sinker swallowing of the lies Satan promulgates.

More people need to wake up.

I don't know who is considered a believer these days. I'm not the judge. I do know that many people who call themselves "Christian" have zero discernment when it comes to culture and its influence. I think there is blindness, lack of information, lack of knowledge.

The Bible says that people are destroyed by lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6.

WAKE UP, friends! Sound the alarm! Your people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge!

Satan doesn't come dressed in a red suit with horns most of the time. He comes as a handsome gentleman with desirable offers. Candy.

And people are so easily deceived. Jesus calls us sheep, and sheep are not known for their intelligence as animals.
Dogs beat them, hands down. Pigs are smart. African Greys are smart....

But sheep?

When we get to heaven there are going to be exclamations of surprise at the silly things we ALL thought right and true---and guess what?

WE were deceived.

That is why it is so absolutely important to know the Word of God. What else do we have?

I've been more and more convicted about English translations of the Scriptures, which ones are more accurate to the Hebrew and Greek original texts.

Chris Pinto, from Adullam Films, has documentaries about Scripture translations that have opened my eyes to deception within the church, especially regarding the Word of God itself.

The Reformation occurred because monks like John Wycliffe and William Tyndale, Martin Luther actually read the Scriptures that came from Constantinople after its fall to Islam. Early, reliable copies of the New Testament.

The Hebrew Scriptures are historically reliable. They have been preserved exactly for thousands of years.

The Greek manuscripts were read and translated to English and German by these first Reformers. The King James Version was thoroughly vetted by Reformed scholars and translated with a committee of true believers. It was a reliable English translation.

Then came the Counter Reformation. The Jesuits.

How could they undermine the Reformation? Why, by undermining the reason FOR the Reformation: THE WORD OF GOD itself!

Hence we have the Vulgate, the Codex Sinaiticus, the NIV, the ASV, The NASV, the various paraphrases-----all confusing and incomplete.

All undermining the authority of Scripture in the minds of scholars worldwide.

Yes, the Bible you have is the best Bible, right? We all have heard that. The Word of God does not go forth without effect! Even particles of the Word. Truth is simply truth.

But there is a an undercurrent here. A story of Satanic deception. A story of division and control. The Counter Reformation is a Satanic movement that seeks to place people back under the authority of religion, not true spirituality and belief in Jesus Christ.

It's huge.

It's eye-opening.

It's real.

After living in Ingolstadt, Germany, and seeing the shrine to the Illuminati there back in 1986, my eyes were opened to the power of Lucifer. I didn't think of it much (Because greater is He that is in ME than he that is in the world!) until after 2000 and the last days of the last days commenced.

Now we see the New World Order and the powers that run the economies of the world. We see the cabal of rich and elite families that tweak the media and other forces of population control everywhere. We know philosophy and how it affects governing policy and society. We know that Marxist Socialism is popular in every educational institution worldwide. Godless Marxist Socialism.

We know that witchcraft and paganism are on the rise, that New Age Philosophy/Humanism is the religion of the schools. Yoga and Mindfulness, practices of these religions are promoted and accepted in every public school in America. The religion of Education is the New Age.

And Lucifer laughs.

His time is short, though. God reigns in the heavens, and those of us here on earth who fully adhere to believing Scripture, Sola Scriptura, are completely confident in God's ultimate plan.

Believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and thou shalt be saved.

You too can be SURE of eternal peace by placing your faith in Christ Jesus alone.

No works. No pilgrimages. (I can't believe all the people who are doing that pilgrimage in Portugal/Spain!!)

It's worth nothing.   ---Maybe a few sights to see, good food, new folk to meet---

But nothing eternally.

Only Jesus. Jesus saves.

The overarching picture of history and God's eternal plan, conceived before the Garden of Eden, is playing out and obvious to those of us who have spent time reading the Bible.

It's obvious.

It gets more obvious as the days progress. Each new day is a new evidence that God's plan is coming to fruition, as prophesied in Scripture.

Watch, people. It's all coming together.

God has given us a supreme charge: PREACH THE GOSPEL.

What is the Gospel?

Man is sinful. Jesus died on the cross paying for that sin. He rose. We must believe in Him to be saved, to gain eternal salvation.

He's coming again, Messiah, LORD OF LORDS, KING OF KINGS. Every knee shall bow and every tongue SHALL confess: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.

No Mary, no deeds, no actions, no good works, nothing, NOTHING you can do will save you except believing on JESUS CHRIST.

So believe. Drop the religious stuff. Let it go. It does nothing for you but condemn.

You're a sinner that needs God to save you.

So believe, trust, change, repent! Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes right now. Ask Him to fill you with truth and righteousness. Ask Him to save you.

Do something else----In the the name of Jesus Christ and His blood pray against all the powers of darkness, that they be driven away from confusing your mind.

Anyone who does not believe the Gospel is fair game for the Deceiver and his minions, so don't think they haven't influenced you at some point. Pray against them that the TRUTH of the Bible is revealed to you. Do it. You must rebuke the forces of evil. They are manifesting like never before, and you will be influenced by them without the protection of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you with His truth and righteousness.

A whole new existence will open up for you. Truth will sit at the center, on the throne. Everything falls into place. Confusion is gone. The love of God is all encompassing! Anxiety abates.

The Kingdom of Heaven is the place to be, now and with Jesus in glory.

If I could shake everyone I know into a state of wakefulness regarding Biblical Truth I would.

I can't. I can just sit here at my little Chrome Book and figuratively scream, hopeful that those I know and care about are coming to TRUTH.

Time is short.

Our prophecy studies continue this fall, Sunday nights that I do not have ministry in the jail. We encourage one another as the days fly past. We discuss the developments of the past two weeks, we affirm the truth of Scripture and its indications about our times.

Join us if you can. You will be blessed.

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