"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Catching Up

I had the most lovely Thanksgiving surprise.

My son and daughter-in-law flew in for the feast days without any warning, no inkling, no suggestion. I've never been so unsuspecting of a pleasant event in my entire life. It was marvelous.

We had a wonderful feast day, with ten around the table. All the expected dishes were served including a 23 lb turkey. We all contributed, and it was rather easy to put it together!


I bought four books over the weekend. "The Paradigm," "Trumpapocalypse," "Love Your Body," and "The Mysteries."

I read "Paradigm" already, and it is very interesting.

For all the sad ones who hate Trump it may be comforting for them to know that he is compared to Jehu in the Biblical narrative. There is a fascinating pattern that includes him, the Clintons, Obama, and other politicians and how they parallel certain Biblical personalities.


For those of us watching for a revival of Godly values-----no more child sacrifice, sexual immorality, Christian persecution----it presents a call to faith.

It is disheartening to see so much apostasy running rampant.

https://medium.com/@jcweatherby_49412/its-time-to-start-calling-evangelicals-what-they-are-the-american-taliban-4a41731296e4 A liberal news site equated Believers with the Taliban. There is so little understanding of God's nature. So many try to fashion God into a different being than He is, an idol who pleases them.

How Baalish.

Sadly, many of us have family and friends who have chosen the broad path, not the strait one, the path that leads to destruction, that breaking of the first commandment about having other gods before the Creator of the Universe.

I'm afraid that command is pretty important. Jesus is the ONLY way.

I'm so excited to see the end times unfold, but I grieve for those I believe are headed in a different way. God is the judge of their hearts, but I can only see compromise with the world by their actions and words. That saddens me.

I read God's words, and I see an unattainable standard. Yet I see the command to obey, and the fruits of the Spirit as evidence of godly lives.

I'm responsible to preach Christ. I'm responsible to live Christ-like. I'm responsible to be loving to everyone, including my enemy.

My enemy can be someone fairly close, sometimes.

Call me out, call out my sin! I beg you to show me my errant ways! I want to be clean before the LORD.

Sometimes we don't see what others do. Can we take the pain of conviction?

It's worth trying.

If your children are serving the god of abortion and homosexuality, you need to examine your life, your salvation. They are in danger of hellfire.

If you are in sin, by marrying a divorced person, repent. God hates divorce. Please God, not men. Don't try to justify your sin! Read the Word of God and follow your own heart.

Are you married to a divorced person? Ask God to forgive you, and live in obedience to Him from now on. Don't try to justify or encourage others in sin. Their blood will be upon your head.

Are you enslaved to a past wrong? Did you sexually harass someone? Expose yourseld in a moment of carnal lust? Repent. Ask God to forgive. Ask the person you wronged to forgive you.

Too often a person who has committed a sexual sin against an innocent victim cannot forgive themselves or humble themselves. They prefer to hate the victim, hide the sin (if possible) and pretend it did not matter.

Al Franken is learning the consequences of that right now. So is Trump, Bill Clinton, Roy Moore, Clarence Thomas, Dennis Hastert, Al Gore, and just about every guy I've ever heard of.


I'm blessed to be married to the geek/nerd/brain that loves God more than himself. I got one of the few truly good men to be my husband.

I'm jaded on the rest of the species.

No, I'm not a feminist. Women are just as prone to sexual sin as men. They are just as guilty. I'm just sick and tired of sexual perversion and human nature. I'm guilty of sinful thoughts. I've let my tongue run wild like fire with terrible things that never should have been said, borne the embarrassment of sin, humiliated, tainted.

Needing to repent.

(Some of the accused may not have been guilty, but some clearly are sexual predators. It's easy to generalize men and their lust. The man who can control his lust is a rare species. Men who have an appetite for perversion are even more guilty. There are levels of guilt.)

I'm saying STOP the sin. REPENT! Don't condone sin in your life, or anyone's.

God made us sexual beings with a place for sex. MARRIAGE, xx - chromosome + xy chromosome.

Committed, monogamous relationship, life-long.

That's His standard.

You failed? You have company. Repent, ask forgiveness, ask for spiritual help in overcoming.

Read the little book by Richard S. Taylor, "The Disciplined Life."

This may help you overcome your sin in this brief life. Don't give up hope. You are running a race of endurance, and the race is almost over. Jesus IS coming soon.


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