"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Helpful Sources

Do you have issues with translations of Scripture?
The film by John Rhys Davies about the KJV is really good.

I'd recommend it. There are several preachers out there that are KJV only folk. I'm gravitating toward their camp. The more you learn, the more reason to do so.

Look up Christian J. Pinto of Adullam Films. His research is noteworthy.

Check out LA Marzulli. What a sweet and humble spirit, looking for Christ's return! Also, a watchman.

Ken Ham's newly re-released book "The Lie," is a wonderful "argument" against secular humanism and evolution.

Check out your theology. Theology is important, but are you getting a balanced diet? In which camp do you stake your tent? Do you care? You should.

Theology matters. Doctrine matters. You are first of all accountable to God for your decision to follow Christ. After that you must seek a Bible believing fellowship to belong to.

Do not forsake the gathering of the saints.

Don't just follow a herd. Be an active and questioning member.

Don't follow personalities. This NEVER ends well. People, men, are sinners. Whether it's John MacArthur, John Piper, RC Sproul, Joel Osteen, Mac Hammond, Joyce Meyers, Kay Arthur, ----You recognize the name?  Don't follow.

People disappoint.

There are skeletons in everyone's closets.

There are mistakes, false emphasis, outright heresies! Don't get sucked in. Stake your tent, pitch your tent on God's Word.

Stop calling names and stop accusing! JUST PREACH CHRIST, and Him crucified, resurrected! Be prepared with a good answer for questioners. Be like the Apostle Paul. Study to show yourself approved unto God!

The Holy Spirit will give wisdom and help.

Test the spirits. The Bible tells you to do this, so do it!

Perhaps we live in a world that advocates a denial of the supernatural, but a majority of us humans have actually experienced the supernatural, therefore we know it exists.

You cannot prove it to those who refuse to believe or chalk it up to nerves or drugs....hallucinations....but that doesn't stop us from going forward in our faith walk.

We know. We believe. We may have doubts, but that is all the better! We learn of Him with a steady diet of reading Scripture, OLD and NEW Testaments. We take it to the Word.

Check out a Systematic Theology----Ryrie's is very readable. Grudem's is good.

Read a Bible Story Book, like Hurlbet's, or Voss. These scholars have helped the reader understand the overlapping stories in the New Testament in particular. Very helpful.

Spend time with the LORD in prayer. Trust Him to work out ALL DETAILS whatever happens.

He does. All things work together for good, according to those who believe.

Trust Him with your time, your body, your work, your abilities. He made you, He loves you, He is using you in His vast plan. You belong to Him and He cares. He has your days numbered, and He is watching everything you do. He knows your every thought.


Don't grieve Him. Believe Him. Love Him. Serve Him.
Watch for Him.

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