"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Filled With the Spirit

When we ask the Lord to forgive our sins, purpose in our hearts to turn away from sin, and put our trust in Jesus Christ and all that he did for us, (nothing that we do on our own!) we become God's children, born again into God's eternal family. Our spirit is born again.

All people have souls. I'd even argue that animals have "soul."
We define soul as mind, will, and emotion for ease, but naturally there are other interpretations and I'm not here to nay say those thoughts.

But souls are eternal, and I believe this deeply.

Spirits are something else. I believe that spirits come alive spiritually when a spiritual transaction takes place, and this is only possible with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Born Again.

Jesus describes this in John chapter 3.

This explains spiritual darkness on so many levels. Spiritual blindness. Spiritual deafness.
Inability to understand the Word of God.

When you are filled with the Spirit, as a part of that spiritual transaction, your soul is opened up to new truth, new experience, new life.

If you do not ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and make you born again your soul is doomed to burning in hell for eternity.

That's Biblical.

The spiritual dimension is fascinating on so many levels. It interacts with our souls AND bodies on occasion. There is spiritual evil running amok all over this planet, deceiving, manipulating, controlling, hurting, fighting, battling, wounding, addicting.

We see it every day.

It speaks evil words, swearing, vulgarities.
It produces sensual thoughts, lusting, pornographic.
It is violent, in virtual worlds and in reality.
It rapes, murders, steals.
It takes God's name in vain.
It produces harshness and pain, lies and pride.
PRIDE----Oh you evil one!
The biggest liar of all is Pride. Pride consoles the soul with the idea that you are good enough.

You are not.

You never will be.


Only Jesus is good. Only Jesus can save. Only JESUS.

You are loved by Him, but you simply aren't good enough for anything. Satan/Lucifer/Beelzebub/Asmodeaous/Leviathan/Belphegor/Mammon have deceived you into thinking it's alright. Everything is alright.

Baal, Lord of the flies, is alive and well, and planting lies in the souls of men.


Time is passing, and we have so little time left.

Many of us have given up on friends and family who continue to pridefully turn away from the Holy Spirit. Jesus weeps. We see evil dominating their lives through deception, substance abuse, and addictions.

We weep.

The power of the Holy Spirit is there for ANYONE to access it. Perhaps you had a "born again" moment, but you are living in bondage to a besetting sin. God's grace covers all sin, but you need the victory.

Ask, you shall receive. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you. Humble yourself in the sight of the LORD.

And He will answer. He will give.

You shall receive.

Are you spending time in the Word of God? Are you in prayer and supplication? Are you fasting? Are you obeying Christ's commands? Are you asking the Holy Spirit for his filling DAILY?

If you say no to any of those questions you need to GET ON IT.

Time is fleeting. We are at the end, dear ones. Deception is par for the course of the day, and we need the Holy Spirit to TEST the spirits.

The Spirit and the Bride say COME!

What are you waiting for?

Your sin is so not worth it. 

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