"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, February 28, 2020

A Time of Reckoning

I have midterm projects due this weekend, but I'm taking a minute to get some thoughts out here on Corgi Hollows.

My studies have been primarily about rights and speech, discrimination and issues that arise as public servants seek to keep their jobs.

Naturally I've been thinking about draining the swamp and what that means in light of public service. I've been working in the public school system now for three years. I have a unique perspective: I'm a home-school mom (one of the other teachers couldn't believe it! I must mask it well!) I'm working in the bowels of the beast regarding liberal ideology. I'm studying liberal/global ideology, and I'm also in the jail ---observing what is happening.

I'm not just sitting here at Corgi Hollows spouting off my views for whatever they are worth. I'm watching, observing, learning.

Because I can keep doing all these things I'm pretty sure my brain is on and my mouth is shut.

Yes, it is unique.

First off, after three years of observation I'm more traditionally conservative than ever. I'm not enamored of the Republican party, nor mainstream Christianity. I'm certainly not more liberal or progressive.

I see the failure of the school system in not teaching knowledge and history. There is a real problem with kids being simply uninformed and rather slow these days. It is appalling. (The teachers that talk to me about it also think this.) Some teachers quietly buck the system. I applaud them.

Public servants are pretty decent people overall. There is a progressive mindset that threads its way through most of my classmates in my masters program, especially in my professors.

I see the Trump Derangement Syndrome first hand.

I see it as I am involved in the arts of western Hennepin County (our choir).
I see it at school with the die-hard liberal NEA educators.
I see it in my class assignments at my state university.
I see it everywhere this election year.
I see it in friends and family who have swallowed the leftist schtick hook, line, and sinker.

They don't even think anymore. They parrot the baseless talking points and cling to their hopeless ideas with a surprising tenacity.

They are looking for love in all the wrong places.

They spread ridiculous stories. They (like Ilhan Omar) stick to bizarre incidents that purport to back their accusations. They close their eyes to their own glaring shortcomings.

Such is politics. It's enough to raise the blood pressure.

THANKFULLY it is NOT what it is all about!

I daily make an effort to quell umbrage in my spirit.

It's so easy to let it fester.

SO, I pray MARANATHA every morning, and I focus on the promises and the commands of Christ, my savior.

I am trying to let the dross of my life go. I'm trying to get past the things I cared about once, that have been revealed to never have mattered in the first place.

I'm looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of my race.

What else do I have? Where else would I go?

Christ is enough.

One question I have, and I persist in wondering about it: Why do people persist in believing lies?

I have one answer: the idea of a moral and absolute God is very scary to most people. Denying that he exists is a "safe place" for most of mankind. Most people prefer to think up one's own god who doesn't look very much like the One you find in Scripture.

Gods that take on denominational characteristics, gods that take on powerless, wishy-washy acceptance----these gods are fictional idols.

Man up and meet the God who defines Himself. He is the One God, the Alpha, the Omega, the Creator and the Almighty. Confess your sins and repent.

Thankfully, He is coming soon. Come Lord Jesus.

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